Most requested car?!

That’s the power of memes in this day and age.

Also, I personally won’t be shocked if Horizon 5 is the Tsuru’s only appearance in the franchise. It’s literally the equivalent of the Austin Taxi Cab found only in Horizon 4. Unlike most cultural icon cars, the Tsuru is really only iconic in Mexico. It was sold in other markets under another different names for a significantly short amount of time compared to its stint in Mexico, and it would be out of place in any other location.


Because in a game it is:
And doesn’t require owning multiple cars.

All of the same reasons why people enjoy driving super and hypercars, or giant offroaders, or Peels.

Not to mention some crapboxes in this game aren’t exactly easy to find for real. Games like Forza are my only opportunities to drive an original VW Beetle, let alone drive one to within an inch of its life.

One of my favorite FH cars is a '91 Peugeot, a car we don’t even get in this country.

I care not for the ‘meme-ness’ of a car, or how crappy or expensive it is. I simply enjoy cars. That’s why I play these games.


The 205 Rallye? That was a legendary rally car that competed in various events across the world. It was also a very rare homologation special and generally regarded as very fun to drive. It’s not literally a Nissan Sentra. Not sure what you’re getting at with this comparison.

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That different people like different things.

Obviously…that’s why we have way less “race” cars than road cars in a racing game. We understand your situation.

I’ve an A 800 tune with the standard engine and it isn’t really boring IMO. I haven’t even checked the available engine upgrades as I try to keep the stock engines of cars if possible. :man_shrugging:

I was pleasently surprised with this car after driving it for about a hour yesterday. Hear me out…
This car has the potential to be the next under rated , under appreciated king of pr stunts. It’s like the single Datsun we have but much better at a lower PI class. This car is a diamond in the rough and time will prove it with how creative people can get with it given the situation. I also like it for a chill car to drive after just zooming around for many hours at time in s1 or s2 its nice to decompress a little with a sunday drive with no rammers , drive or brake lines, or the need to be " up on the wheel "

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I may not like the Tsuru but I am a supporter of lemon racing being in the game. I may be able to afford to lemon race, but I can’t actually do it. I live in a condo with a single parking spot situation. I need a reliable daily driver, and can only have one car.

I also don’t really have the expertise to keep a lemon running. But even a close friend of mine who does have that expertise and is really interested in lemon racing, can’t really afford the garage space or the cost the hobby will have on his family life. Lemon racing in video games is by far our best outlet.

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Man, y’all just whooshed over me so hard.

I’d never even heard of this car before, but to me it sure beats another hypercar or version of the 911.

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I’m gonna have to stop you right there…

That’s it. That’s the post.


We’re still missing the 928 and 905.


Don’t tell him about the Turbo, the Sport Classic, or the rennsport though.

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Willing to admit when I’m wrong. Now fix Forza Motorsport and we’ll all be best pals

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Meanwhile, on Porsche’s official Instagram…


Wow, just wow! I would rather drive cars in video games that I 1) own, have owned or at least have driven or 2) would like to own. I have absolutely zero interest in driving any of the super or hypercars in real life or in video games. So, each to our own.


I dunno man checks out for me.


Here are the top 8 most requested cars as of October 17th

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Well, that’s why a lot of people want supercars in the game. Barely anyone can afford them in real life, so it’s wish fulfillment having them in games. Frankly, in this current car market, owning anything cool is almost impossible if you aren’t already well off. I can’t even import a Lancia Delta Integrale into the States without it costing me six figures. Six figures that I don’t and probably will never have.


Exactly…I’m super happy with sc20 n mission r… also want alston, bolide, eguista, terzo n other one ofs too…cause i know i will never be able to drive those ever… Asphalt 9 has done the best job…it has all of these cars!! Forza could do that too if it wants…

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