More environmental effects

can you please add more graphical effects to this great racing game?

at the moment it looks nice, but the leaves are always on the same places, the birds are flying the same routes and so on.
my pc is bored and me too if i drive always round by round the same tracks.

why not some more leaves on the track and if the opponent drives by, they are raising and you can drive through.
why not more birds or planes (and bigger ones) and they appear on random places.
why not some water fountains or splashes on wet tracks if you or the opponent drives through puddles
some more special effects like helikopters above the track ) like in the old NFS Most Wanted games
and more would be possible easily.

actual pc´s and consoles have the power to handle that, and if you can choose to see it or not as an option in the menu, everybody can handle it.

so please add such effects