I’m getting frustrated. Just wanted to race some GT3 on league and I can’t find a session. I guess there’s no lobby to connect to with a decent latency so it boots me out. Anyone else have this issue with league play? Maybe T10 should implement a system where you race in a lower tiered division if your usual division is lacking in running lobbies.
I was playing earlier and it took me over 10 tries to get into a lobby with people (pinnacle Modern GT). It would either time out or put me in a game with 0-2 other people. When I did finally get into a lobby, there were 15 people and there were no issues with connection over the few hours i played. They should tell you how many people are playing in each lobby or (ideally but they’ll never do it) give us a server browser.
yeah im not having much luck either haven’t been able to get into anything, Asia Pacific Leader board is pretty small at the moment 22 players???, so I must not be the only one, will try now a bunch of times.
I had the same issue in the ghost league this week. Tried to play yesterday and there was one lobby going with 2 players in it. Not even worth the time.
I think there are a few issues relating to leagues at this point that really need to be addressed before they die before they even get a chance to succeed. Here is what I think in no particular order.
League Seedings: I have heard a lot of grumblings about how people are placed in leagues. I personally don’t feel that I am in the league I belong in and there doesn’t seem to be anyway to reseed yourself without intentionally driving poorly which is dumb, not to mention a waste of time. When you are placed in a league and the best you can do is run mid pack but you remain in that league week after week that turns people off.
League Times: One thing I have learned about Forza more than any other game is that it’s a global game. No other game I have ever played on Xbox have I encountered so many Europeans. I think someone at Turn 10 forgot that time isn’t the same everywhere. The windows a lot of these series are run in aren’t convenient for a lot of people. Most American’s can’t play from 11a-5pm, why not leave the leagues open all the time for the week they are offered?
League Rankings: This is another thing I have heard a lot about. It’s pretty clear that skill has nothing to do with how these leagues are scored. If you can sit home all day and play, you will rank high. If you only have a couple hours a week to play but win you will hug the bottom and get a crappy payout. A good racer has more incentive to play the career or regular multiplayer than they do to compete in a league with the way the scoring is now.
Unsporting Behavior: The crashing and corner cutting is out of hand. Nothing more really needs to be said about that.
My $.02
Same here on porsche leagues. I’m in pinnacle and can never get a race since I moved up… dam frustrating all I wanna do is have some racing time…
More than likely, not connecting to Porsche Leagues in pinnacle is happening to you as there’s nobody else in the league. It’s sad, but true I guess.
Surely if no one is playing it should just put you in an empty lobby on your own to wait? Otherwise how would the lobbies ever get started? Someone has to join first.
I wouldn’t know… as I am but in the mere peasant Elite division… LOL
Also with leavues they should make a couple more laps and an extra 30-45 sec longer end of race timer. On most tracks if you get wrecked and have to pit your going to end up with a dnf. We should also get points for the ppl who quit. Its frustrating. And if you quit the race they should take away 200 points… unfortunately turn 10 dosnt want to make there game better.
Same here couldnt get into the league and was trying solid for a couple of hours. Was watching the leadaboards update so new there were lobbies going.
Singling us out because of high ping is good if there are high ping lobbies to put us in. If theres not then we shouldnt be prevented from joining the few which are active.
This is what happens when the player base is forced to play across so many different game modes. It dilutes each.
The good news though, is that when you do finally find one now days - in pinnacle at least - the racing is good quality.
Couldn’t find a lobby tonight at all. Last night had some difficulty too.
Noticed this in multiplayer and leagues over the last few days and from this thread it would appear I am not alone.
Yes it’s a pity because pinnacle was good when I got in last night. My connection is rock solid, low ping.
Any theories?