Missing Tokens

I purchased 20 dollars worth of tokens; however, not only did I not receive the tokens, I also was robbed of all of my current ones that were already there. Anyone have the same issue?

FM5 Game FAQ link: I had tokens but they disappeared.

There is currently a Service Alert on XBOX Live and it says they are working on the issue. My tokens are not either and should show once the servers are back.
Hope this helps and I believe that is what is going on.

I bought tokens for Forza 5 and haven’t received them. I got a confirmation e-mail so I don’t know why they aren’t in my account. When I try to check mymessage center or try to get on multiplayer I get an error message saying the servers are unavailable.

Mine are gone too! I had over 1,200 from getting the LE copy of the game!

They are not gone. Click on the link ManteoMax has provided, above.

Ok so missed like 2 weeks of playing on my system. Come back to it and now have done the updates and followed the above suggestions for getting my tokens back and nothing has worked. 1400+ down the drain. What gives??

Bought some yesterday too and it shows 0 tokens available. Tried resetting xbox and reinstalling game. No fix for me yet.