MB Truck Forza Edition

Hi all,

Has anyone noticed the MB Truck FE being used in online races and leaving fully tuned up cars for dust?

Several races i’ve been in have had players using this truck and wiping the rest of us by a large margin at the finish line. I’m talking insane acceleration and cornering that is just not possible for a truck.

These players just don’t care how obvious they are, although they deliberately slow down and drop positions when i get on the mic and call them out as filthy cheats every 10 seconds.

As others have stated in posts on the forum, online racing is just not enjoyable when blatant cheats like this are running rampant.

I pride myself on podium finishes but even that is becoming somewhat of a task with mods and hacks turning cars into rockets. I have tuned some of those cars myself and used top tuners tunes to see if i can get the same results. Every single time i am at least several seconds behind with no idea how they do it unless it is modded or hacked.

I witnessed one player in an online race using an A class car (A800), the very same one i was using, take off down the straight like an S2 car and corner with no slide or slowdown at all.

Forza need to do something about this and i mean soon, not 12 months or 2 years later. I very much doubt i will keep playing if it takes eons to fix.

In this day and age i would have suspected that major games designers would have implemented kill codes into their software builds. Something along the lines of the games entire operating structure (on the local machine of course) deleting once an unauthorised mod or hack triggers a fail safe. That senario would make my day and give me great pleasure in reading the howls of discontent from cheats.

Maybe it can’t be done for some reason or other, but they have to try to do something, otherwise sales will plummet when players abandon the franchise altogether because they have no interest in playing against cheats every single race.

Sounds like they hacked into the games database and modified their truck to match the AI version of the same truck. Either that, or the truck has some of that nitrous oxide from fh4 under the hood. Yeah, it’s called cheating in fh4, by design in fh5.

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I have played over 50 hours of online races so far and have never encountered a cheater/hacker. I win basically all my races when I’m not testing a new car/tune and I’m no cheat. I’m just a highly skilled, experienced meta driver. The few people that are better than me may appear like cheats but trust me they are not. They are using rwd rocket builds that are very difficult to handle but obviously are rewarding.

S1 Street race, winding track with tight corners, Porsches, Lambos and Corvettes, most very good drivers that i have raced against before. Truck beat us all by several seconds. I did see the truck slide off a corner, come back onto road and then accelerate like no tomorrow whilst every player just looked on in shock at the acceleration. If that was a RWD build then i’m a monkeys uncle. Raced a lot but maybe not 50 yet, have seen probably 6 or 7 of those races with obvious cheats in them. I did all my races in FH4 on unbeatable, FH5 i’m doing them most of time as Expert and then a few as Pro (and that gets frustrating real quick) so i don’t consider myself as mediocre with racing skills. I admit i’m still working out the best cars for different tracks (which is taking forever) but i generally finish with a podium (maybe 8 out of 10 times). The players i detest the most though are the ones that nudge you off track (just before a checkpoint) when you go to overtake them, at that point i’ll rage quit as i know i’m not going to get back up to the top three anytime soon (usually).

I haven’t noticed any obvious cheaters yet, though I haven’t played more than a dozen or so adventures. I’ll keep a look out for this truck.

I’ve ran into a couple so far, one in today’s Trial actually. Sat at the start line and never moved, came in fourth place in both races. I first thought it was going to cost me a win, 4 of the team quit rather early into the first race, leaving me and the cheat on the battlefield. I was holding down a solid third place, second place AI was in no mood to allow for a pass. No worries, third is good enough since everyone quit except one, and he/she was not driving, but finished 4th in both races. Other cheater I came across was a teleporting nitrous hog.
The truck, I raced against that in the first series cross country series, nitrous powered Super wrecking machine with AI piloting it.

It’s quite possible that first person wasn’t a cheater. It can happen that, to you, another player doesn’t move at the start but randomly finishes in a position right at the end. It’s just some latency bug. They are actually racing but it isn’t updating to others.

I’ve seen Unimog, MB Truck, Ford Van with pretty good speeds (i’ve used the centenario) in S1 online on first day of earlyaccess. But was easy to pass Unimog/MB Truck in corners dont think was cheated speed. Haven’t played online again but i know since 9.11. there are multiple cheats public available for this game and yeah the game is fh4 under the hood so maybe the old speedhacks are back

Oh look what i’ve found Forza Horizon 5 - 2600HP FORZA EDITION RACING TRUCK!!! (This Truck Is Amazing) - YouTube

“i think most powerfull car in the game”

All DJS tunes are solid. I use several of his atm.

Yes, seen that youtube vid of DJS. 2 things that stood out for me though compared to the encounters i had. DJS races it Cross County and the turns are not sharp, the ones i encountered were both Street and had very sharp corners throughout. DJS’s truck builds up before taking lead whereas my ones were in front in a nanosecond and took off like drag cars tbh. The AI cars are completely different in the sense that a fully tuned lambo would leave practically any Cross Country vehicle in it’s dust in a street race. Not saying it isn’t as DJS shows it, just that i still reckon the ones i encountered were given a bit more in the suspect department for my liking. I tried my truck on a street race and came 8th out of 12 and that was pure luck i reckon. Might run it in a Cross Country and see how i go.

EDIT: Ok, so i did Baja Cross Country on Unbeatable and that truck is an absolute beast. I did seven races and got 4th, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st and lastly 1st. It did prove my suspicions correct though in that it likes wider turns rather than sharp ones and it just loves the dirt. I took it for a Street race and it just bombed out completely on unbeatable, i never had a chance and the cornering was a nightmare. I turned down the skill to Highly Skilled and even though i caught up to 1st and 2nd fairly quickly, as soon as the corners started appearing i lost so much time as i went from 3rd to last real quick and never could make the time up to catch the leaders. Put simply it is not a Street racer, and for it to turn like the suspect players were doing, suggests it was modified (i’m talking smooth and crisp around 90 degree and more corners). As a CC or Dirt racer, beautiful, as a Road or Street, horrible.

I was in 2nd place behind someone the other day who rocketed away from the start and was gone after 3 corners. Halfway through lap 2 I had a 5 or 6 second lead on the rest of the pack and started to see 1st place again. They were drifting through the corners and playing around. They mustn’t have been watching the mini map because I passed them and made a gap but then they rocketed past me again like I was standing still. There’s no way that’s just different tuning in the same class.

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There are RWD rocket builds for select cars which are ridiculously fast but they are just as ridiculous to drive.

The other thing is that it is normal for RWD builds to (appear to) not move at the start, because their launch is so slow compared to AWD. This isn’t cheating and was the same in FH4.

I’m not saying Rex and others didn’t encounter cheaters though, until I see for myself in a video or first hand, I can’t judge. But uber high powered RWD builds which go at light speed past people is not necessarily cheating, you can tune cars like that legitimately in FH4. They are rockets when they get going but handle like hell to make up for it. Still, in skilled hands they can dominate a race.

I’ve seen a number of these trucks in the games this week and was surprised how fast they are. I probably shocked a couple of them when I out accelerated them slightly in my AMC Germiln. I think the game mechanics may favor wide rubber too much or it could be the weight transfer when you have soft your springs in the back.