Make full feature film from a saved replay - like in RaceRoom

If you spent many, many hours racing and feel proud of result you did you very well might want to make this memorable event eternal.

Play through replay, place key frames to swap cameras and views through out. If to follow a specific car or the leaders etc.

And swap lenses on cameras to create a field of view that suites.

I stumbled on RaceRoom and what you can do there, think it might be popular feature to share a race, maybe among friends you raced with, maybe just a public event.

If you cannot save endless replays you can at least make a movie from it before replacing it with something else.

Incredible features and would be great with at least some of them.

  • seems real easy to make dolly shot and zooming and whatnot

Way back in the FM4 days, (late 2013, so during the run up to FM5, I think), there was a thread on the forums discussing the sort of video editing that would be useful - selecting camera, picking a car to focus on, and being able to export the whole thing as a single video (FM4 had some fairly hard limits on how much you could export at once). I think it ended up with functionality like that, or slightly simpler.
Pity the forum archives only go back to 2014 really.