Video problems....or not?

hello everyone…i just started to do some serious drift…and i wanted to make i lil`movie…but it says that i can make only 30 second of my replay…but i want to download all replay to my pc or forzamotorsport,net…what should i do…thx for helping

There’s no way of uploading a whole replay to, if you want to make a move of the whole thing you have to upload multiple clips and stick them together in video editing software.

If you have a capture card then you can record all of the footage directly without having to upload or download anything, which not only allows you to record for longer but also gives you more options with angles. However if you don’t have one, buying a decent capture card will cost you a fair bit and finding a reliable one can be hard. You’ll need a fairly good pc nearby too.

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thx for answer…so i supost to donwload a short parts of my epic triumph in my e34))))))

hey :slight_smile: i have just started it too and all you have to do is upload the movies to this and there should be a link to the video where you can download it :slight_smile: