Low streaming bandwidth - disk usage at 100% causes lag

I am getting low streaming bandwidth warnings and game freezes in FH5. It happens most often at high speeds, especially in the Hot Wheels expansion. I have an i9-12900K, an RTX 3080, 32GB of RAM, and the game is installed on an NVMe SSD. It shouldn’t be a machine horsepower issue.

I tried moving the game off of my system drive to another SSD to see if that improved anything. It did not. I’ve tried adjusting the graphics settings. Nothing helps. I have the FPS indicator running and it tells me the graphics card is only at like 60-70%, and I’ll still get low bandwidth warning.

I checked task manager and discovered that my main drive would throttle up to 100% when the bandwidth warning kicked in. This happened even after I transferred the game to a different drive. The main system drive still goes up to 100% and the game freezes. Any ideas what causes this, and is there a fix?

(EDIT: I just noticed that the expansion content still seems to be installed on my main drive, so moving the rest of the game may not help at all with bandwidth issues in the Hot Wheels expansion. I also have seen that Forza support recommends installing the game on your main drive.)

I had this issue when i used an SSD on the SATA 2 port of my motherboard, when i installed it on a SATA 3 port, the issue seemed to be gone. It shouldn’t happen on an NVMe drive, that’s strange, then again, i do know a lot of people have this problem with the game and that it seems to stress any sort of storage unit to the top, when it’s something that doesn’t happen on an Xbox One console with a regular HDD.

The game is still the same on this regard and no word has been given for a fix or acknowledgment, so you are on your own as of now. You can try this: Replacing Manufacturer AHCI Drivers With Standard Microsoft SATA Drivers | Crucial.com

It’s worth a shot as nothing else can be done right now because some people have the problem and others don’t only with this game.

I should have also added to the OP that I used to be able to run FH5 without this problem. It seems to be something new. I tried verifying the game files, but it didn’t help.

It seems to happen mainly with the Hot Wheels expansion. I tested the base game and was able to drive on the highway at 300 MPH with no problem. I didn’t see any disk spikes either. On the Hot Wheels expansion, though, the disk usage will go up to 100% and just stay there. On the rally expansion, disk usage will spike up to 100% but then come down again. I have not done a high speed test on there (the map isn’t really conducive to it).

So maybe I should try disabling Windows Defender while I’m playing? Forza Support says to disable other antivirus programs. I run Webroot SecureAnywhere, but disabling it does nothing to help this problem.

Try the Windows standard SATA driver suggested in that tutorial, they explain how to change it in there, but if you haven’t updated it, then keep it as it is and wait for a patch or something, if it ever comes. This game still has a lot of strange issues that don’t get fixed.


When you get the low bandwidth msg and check your task manager, is it forza.exe that’s hogging your main drive or some other exe?

The weird thing is that while FH5 is definitely the highest disk user, it’s not running at the levels that the overall usage graph is showing. Nothing else is really running super high either.

It’s an NVMe drive. Also the problem mainly happens on the Hot Wheels expansion, and it didn’t happen before, which makes me think it’s an FH5 issue, not a problem with my machine.

Could you grab a screenshot of the task manager with the processes sorted by disk usage.

As an aside, and I’ve not been able to verify this but fh3 supposedly used efs as DRM. Essentially the files are encrypted and decrypted on the fly as needed.

If fh5 uses the same, could explain the disk usage but again, I can’t find concrete into to confirm this, only a small few reports about fh3.

Yeah I’ll try. I might have to run FH5 in windowed mode so I can try to grab the screen right when it hangs.

Ok here’s what you can do to see if your disk spikes to a 100% when the game’s message appears: When in the game, set it to Windowed mode, open task manager, go the the options tab and click “always visible”, then go to the section where it shows Windows disk load, keep it visible, move it to a side of your monitor so you can still see the usage, play the game as you normally would. See how much activity it gets, that way you can discard your storage going to a 100% and troubleshoot other stuff.

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Hello , i got 17 hours on this game and im getting this error just in one place Mision Santa Rosalia de Mulegé , I drive Buggati Divo from Horizon Festival Mexico down to that place , when i come in that place i get that error and nowhere else literally nowhere else , i tried to drive Koenigsegg Jesko (fastest fh5 car) on any road even in biggest city in this game and i literally cant get that error , i tried running Goliath same thing im not getting error. Just in that place im getting error and just once per running in game, i mean when i get in game i drive from Horizon Festival Mexico fast to the city and i get error another time when i do literally same thing , there is no error . I rly think that this is a some sort of bug because just in that hell of a place im getting this error and it literally happens once …

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