I was lvl 180 ish had a lot of cars/money/ progress. I got on today… Its all gone 20+ hours of gameplay gone. Anyone else have issues? Any fix? Anything? Gt is I Live To Smash. If u look on leader boards top 50 almost all tracks.
I hope Turn10 recognize this.
Biggest issue with forza rightnow!
I have over 50 cars and 2,5millions of credits and over 10hours played.
If i lost my things im done with turn10
Im not playing Fh2 for 3days now cause im afraid to start the game and getting freezed or crashed.
Im waiting for a patch
On Sunday I got booted back to dashboard only to try and sign in on my profile and it crashed at the title screen everytime. Talked to xbox, read forums, emailed and messaged Turn 10 with no response. I was forced to delete my save file and start all over again after almost 40 hours of game time. Now I’m playing through again hoping it won’t happen again. I was so mad. Not only that but there is no answers from Turn 10 about the issue. My time on now is very stressful just in case it happens again. Could you believe having to redo at least 30+hours twice? Oh man…
I’ve been having the same issues. Game booted me to homescreen. tryed to get back in only to get stuck at a black screen. finally got FH2 to launch and i lost all my cars, perks and championship races. My racing level remained the same though. Also ive unlocked 7 garage finds, anytime i go to get in the car my game boots me back to the homescreen. When i go to start a championship none of the races show up on the map. no icons nothing. I tried emailing turn10 but they said post the problem to the forums and hope someone comes across it. By the looks of things im not the only one having this same issue.
Well guys i had he same problem afew days back game froze and then lost all my cars barn finds and progress. I was stuck in a car meet and couldnt start any events as it wouldnt show any tracks. There has been no official response for this from turn 10 and I spoke to microsoft and they couldnt help. I had put 15 hours into this game and now ive had to restart the game from scratch and ive just unlocked the autoshow but now im very wary of continuing with this game till there is a patch released. Im hoping turn 10 compensate those of us that have had these issues as id nearly got to the finale in my last game before the game save was corrupted. Forgot to say as well that the corrupt game save on my console was also sent to the cloud so I couldnt even getr my previous save from the cloud as I think as my game crashed at the end of a race it was uploading the data to the cloud so I got to corrrupt saves not happy.
I just ran into the same issue. I just found a barn, drove up to it and the game hung at the “drive up” scene and didn’t move further (the game didn’t freeze, just sat there) After 2 or so minutes I restarted the app and was placed at a car meet near the Festival in a BMW Z4 which I dont remember having in my garage. I returned to the festival to swap back to my Dodge Dart and found that all of my cars were missing including barn finds. I just removed the save data from my XBox One and downloaded it from the cloud but it seems that it is same as anyone else where the cloud save is also corrupt. this is the first time this has happened to me in a Forza game (Seems I’ve been lucky) So I must express my disappointment that something like this can happen after the travesty that was Forza 5’s QC and polish (rims that turn your car into a steam roller, seams not connected allowing you to see through the car, parts that disconnect from the car but not from the body of the vehicle, etc.).
I was sending them a message about that problem on twitter.
That some people lost all their progress and stuff like that. They ask for my gamertag but i think all my cars are still there but im afraid to start the game and getting a sync failure or a freeze. I waiting for a patch that fix that freezing issue cause i think thats the problem with the progress.
All u have to do is turn Xbox off then unplug it for 1-2 min then load game up an be bk to normal but make sure off life first then u now if u game save gon bad then delete it then go on line down cloud then works fine lol
I have around 90-100 hours logged in this game (fh2) and I have just been waiting 40 minutes for my game to sync it then does and I’ve lost everything 120 cars $6 million cash all rewards boards 900,000 k into my rivals achivement 79 championships done and a ton of multiplayer and it’s all gone. Now what I’ve tried everything and nope it’s lost forever in the [Mod edit - profanity is not allowed - fyerball] cloud what a joke is there a solution for this either because I have looked everywhere and have found nothing any help would be much appreciated
I just had this I was level 200 or 300 20 million credits, almost finished with completing every race at every championship with 60-80 hours of gameplay, bought the car pass and storm island and now I try to play the game and it plays the opening cut scene and I have lost everything. I fail to believe my cloud save has completely vanished and Xbox support could do nothing to help and turn10 don’t even seem to read or reply to people with this issue. Can’t be bothered to do it all again however good the game is.
Looks like I lost my progress as well. Thanks turn 10
I seem to have the same issue as described here too. I had 136 hours ingame, lvl 106, 14 million garage value, 177 cars, all reward boards and barn finds and over 2 mill in XP. I had completed everything on Storm Island aside from the second bucket list and was one more bucket list challenge away from completing the second list in the main game.
Microsoft support was little to no help which ended in telling me to talk to the games developer and I’m really not looking forward to starting the game over. Pretty sure I’m not getting my forza hub rewards back again either.
Same problem started it up today and it put me in the tutorial. Thanks turn10 I probably will never play your game again, over 150+ Hours gone.
I feel your pain.
I had my FH2 save syncing for close on 4 hours, then someone decided they wanted to use the Xbox One. Boom, level 180+ save with over 180 cars (including all VIP gift cars) gone. Nothing I could have done to avoid it.
If yours is syncing, leave it. Beat people off the Xbox with a stick. But it appears to have evolved beyond syncing issues?
(Had similar syncing issue with Forza 5, but after about 30 mins of syncing that was fine)
Same issue, except I lost over 75 hours of gameplay and progress
Mine had to sync for an unusually long time right before it happened, about half an hour. However I didn’t mess with it, I just let it do it’s thing, and I know that no one else touched it either.
I was wondering if anyone had any success fixing this issue? This has just happened to my son’s game and he is gutted. Turn 10 just send an automated responses and microsoft can’t help. I feel like writing to turn 10 in America I am so annoyed. Turn 10 customer service is unbelivable poor and they should be ashamed.
I just started up FH2 for the first time in several months and found that I had gone from level 170 something to 154. My map was covered with unfinished races and bucket lists that I know I had already completed. I don’t know if it is Turn 10’s flaw or Microsoft’s cloud service, but either way it is discouraging and I am less excited to play because of it. On a side note, the same thing happened to me with Forza 5 earlier this year, but I lost EVERYTHING and was forced to completely start over. I don’t play these games nearly as often anymore because I know I might lose all of my progress at any moment.
i have the same problem 100-200 hours played and all my 100 cars fully upgraded but now i am doing the starting mission like really turn10 like i love the game but u really need to reply to these posts.
Biggest loss. 422 hours, 800 cars lvl 300 or so.
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