Lost all my data

I’ve been having problems with Horizon 2 not recognising my saved data. When I load up the game it starts to “sync” my saved data but it loads about 1 percent an hour. So this started a couple of weeks ago and I pretty much gave up trying to load it. It started ever since I licence transferred a zombies map for Black Ops 3 off my friends account. So I deleted that account and I’m still having problems. Then it got to the stage where it wouldn’t even sync at all and it restarted the game from the beginning with no option to select another save. Last night I thought I may as well see if I can load my save whilst in the game, so I started a new career and did the first 4-5 races but there was still no sign of my previous save. It is just extremely frustrating when you are over level 200, and you have discovered all the roads in the game and now I apparently have to start again. I’ve tried everything, from uninstalling and re-installing, many hard resets, a very long and pointless phone call to a microsoft representative who told me to come here. If anyone could help it would be highly appreciated. Contact me on Xbox Live, my gamertag is ‘StanceCat’ or phone me on [Mod Edit - D].