looking for....

looking for friends to race with. just picked up this game and most of my friends still have the 360 so cant race with them. feel free to message me. GT: JDontheRocks82 see you on the track!

If you haven’t seen this part of the forums yet, you’ll find others looking for the same thing has you here: http://forums.forza.net/turn10_topics10_Racers-Lounge.aspx

Not trying to run you off from this section. It’s just a good place to look. :wink:

my apologies, i saw that section after i posted here.

Hi bud

Call over to www.forzamotorsport.org.uk we have a great community full of clean racers and have good banter in lobby’s . Race in our leagues will keep you away from idiots in public lobby’s who just smash you first corner.

Added ya, anyone else looking for similar please add me as well.

Come check us out! We are currently building a Forza Division, and need anyone who is interested in racing for fun or competition. Add me on XBL if you have any questions, my GT is sinmagic.