Clean team mates.

Hi dudes I’m seriously bored of races where I get smashed up the rear into a first corner. I play quite regularly and I don’t think I’m too bad. I tend to stick around ‘C’ class races but if there’s anyone out there who I can drive with or have a team trial give me a shout. GT is EunosAndy. Also, I’m from the UK.

Thanks guys!

Call over to

I’l add you tonight

Come check us out! We are currently building a Forza Division, and need anyone who is interested in racing for fun or competition. Add me on XBL if you have any questions, my GT is sinmagic.

Im not part of a team or anything but if your after someone to race with your more than welcome to add me W1NG50FV3NG3NC3

Hey, I too am a little bored with getting shunted from the rear, it would be so cool to race with friends who are interested in getting round the course with a little common respect, would be great if would add me to your team.


Gea (BeaGea)

Give a look all clean racers and host league races on a Sunday evening 7.30gmt.

Please add me!!


uk based forza team looking for new members