Looking for tuners to follow based on some criteria

Hello. I’ve been playing Forza Horizon 4 which is my first Forza game that I own. I used to play Forza Motorsport 4 some time ago on my friends xbox but got FH4 couple of months ago on my PC.

I’m more of a casual gamer so I don’t know how to make good builds and tunes so I’ve been looking who to follow. But I don’t like when some tuners just auto put all wheel drive with all forza aero and swap in “meta” engines or what ever.

Recently I found one tuner by the name of “OnlyNaps” . I don’t remember if he had swapped the engine and what aero he had. But I remember that I still had RWD on aston martin and it still could out-launch my friends AWD cars. And for some other tunes of his he seemed to keep the stock engine as well.

You may call me dumb for wanting good cars with stock driving wheels, SUV’s and hatcbacks without that ugly forza wing and stock engines as I don’t want all my cars to sound the same. I get it - FH4 doesn’t have the best engine sounds. But I still want them to sound different from one another.

So I was wondering, if there are other tuners that have really good builds without changing driving wheels or engine and doesn’t put forza aero without necessity? Thanks to “OnlyNaps” I saw that cars without AWD can still be really good and take first places in online adventures even with stock engines.

Self-promoting… take it for what you will.

I don’t know how I rate in the scheme of things in, lets just go with the ‘tuning scene’ to cover the idea quickly, I tune for how I drive, and how I like it, and if I think it is okay, I put it out there. I do offer suggestions for the weekly events, again I put them out as a way to help, or suggest options for others, because they worked for me, and may help others.

Re: Your post, I often try to not engine swap, I like working with upgrading the stock offering if at all possible, I also only driveline swap when going for a certain ‘style’ (plus online events, because it is just easier)- and do make tunes for RWD and FWD. I use ‘aero’ only if I feel it helps and works to tame handling, and add grip - I do on occasion add aero because I like the ‘look’ and/or for the P.I. cheat it offers.

My choice of cars to use is mostly outside of the meta - I like the oddball, unloved, unused choices Forza has. I tune cars for the weekly seasonal events and the weekly games, the seasonal cars will work outside of the seasonal events, while I aim the games tunes at working for the location - so lower top speeds, good grip, quick acceleration - everything is labeled for what it is, no confusing ‘forza’ or ‘seasonal’ tune names.

So have a look if you like, if it helps it helps, and if you don’t like my style, no harm done.


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I’m actually happy to see there’s another person who prefers to keep cars as original as possible, I do tunes myself and is currently reworking my storefront deleting my old stuff and uploading newer better versions, I haven’t been playing Forza a lot lately after FH3 especially since I stopped my excessive racing habit I had on FH3 and barely race on FH4 to help out friends with seasonals, but I still want my stuff to be as good as possible, I know you do as well. If you want to do tunes yourself I could download one you aare trying to d o and test it out and give you feedback on what you need to do if you want. I think its better to do your own tunes because you can personalize it to your driving style and you aren’t locked to one setup/customization in rims.

Oh, that does sound awesome but I don’t really have my own driving style. + I don’t have steering wheel or controller. I play on keyboard. And mostly I just drift around map with my friend or some random people that I find. But I do want to get in to racing as well and find my driving style. And I really need to up my game in city driving as that’s the one race type where I struggle allot while on other race types I don’t need to struggle that much on the same difficulty.

AWD’s biggest advantages are free rear tire width and launch traction. The advantages are big enough that few tuners really bother to try to get launch right on an AWD, leaving time on the table. A well-tuned RWD can still be lobby competitive, particularly on tracks with fewer hairpins, and it’ll be lighter. That helps with braking, cornering, and acceleration. Is it enough? Eh, the top times are going to be AWD, but you can still be competitive and have fun without it.

Any particular car you want to have fun with? Could use a project now that I’m getting back in the game.

Excuse me for my late reply, I don’t play FH4 that often lately as my best friend that I played with doesn’t play it anymore. Not sure what happened with his PC. But he had to re-install his PC and he lost all of his progression for some reason. So yeah…

But my favorite car is the 2002 Mazda RX-7 Spirit R from the dlc car pass thingy. I like the 1997 regular RX-7 as well. I pretty much prefer Japanese cars.
I do drive e46 m3 as well, however I did swap the RB26 engine from Nissan as e46 m3 sounds horrible. Couldn’t stand driving it. That’s the only car ever that I swapped an engine even though I have like 350+ cars. That e46 is pretty much the only non-japanese car that I drive when I have a decision on what to drive. (when it’s not seasonal map where you’re supposed to drive non-japanese cars or I just don’t have the one from Japanese cars that’s allowed for the race)

I’d love to have good RX-7 build and I hoped that Spirit R would have a bit better engine as it should have rew engine not regular 13b. Was kind of sad when I got the car pass as I got it only for the Spirit R and it was the same car just looked different. I just don’t want to swap 4 rotor as that dentist drill engine sound is horrid. So I understand that RWD 13b rx-7 that would be good is unreachable goal because of having lower acceleration from being RWD and rotary that lacks in low-end power. But one can still dream, right? :smiley:

Not at all unreachable. It won’t post the times of an AWD Atomic Punk or Boneshaker at A800, but nothing does. It’ll still be fun and competitive against cars that aren’t broken. I’ll start working on this Thursday.

Alright, thanks. Let me know, when you’ve made it.

I’ve got two right now, will probably release both tomorrow. One has race weight & sport tires, one has sport weight and race tires. I’ve been driving both for a few hours today and I want to try them again tomorrow to make sure I’m not just accustomed to driving it and that it handles as expected.

Race weight & sport tire tune is complete, share code 995 304 643. Let me know what you think.

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Oh, wow! Dude, thanks so much!

Just tried it out against highly skilled AI witch is what I usually drive against and car feels amazing!

I’ll try to break down what I like and what I don’t like:
Dont like:
Acceleration - everyone seems to have much better acceleration. But I understand that it’s a rotary and it’s torque isn’t that great. Sometimes it wheel spins quite a bit and sometimes only little bit. Anyhow it’s a minor complaint. haven’t had problems getting in front by the end of the race.
Drifting-ish?.. - Sometimes it likes to drift in corners. It’s probably my driving style as I’m playing on keyboard until I’ll have some money that I can throw out on steering wheel or something. So for now I can’t modulate how much I press gas or how much I turn.

Overall those are minor things as I think it’s mostly the fact that I play on keyboard and that I’m not a that good driver. As I said - acceleration is odd as sometimes it loves to spin it’s tyres but sometimes not as much. And that drifting thing happens most likely because I tend to go in corners too quickly or when I press gas in mid corner - it can be expected that car will want to throw out it’s rear end. But let’s continue with positives.

Do like:
Wheels - not that it changes much but I had thte exact wheels on mine and I like how they look on Rx7. Though I think you put 18’s? I had 17’s and they look bigger now but I think I might actually prefer 18’s.
Oversteer/understeer balance - I did mention that I had some corners where car ended up throwing out it’s rear end but it must be my driving because in most corners car feels amazingly planted. Like I’m actually shocked how good the car feels in corners. You did really good job. It hasn’t oversteer tendeces so I don’t feel like I’m fighting the car to keep it straight in corners. But it doesn’t have such understeer where you can’t take corners. Car feels perfect as long as I’m on gas not releasing it and getting back on it on sharp corners. Big respect for you because this is one thing that I strugle with the most. I have no idea how you can balance the car like that!
Turn in - car turns in so quick and steering feels responsive in general. I can over take so many people in insides of the corners. It’s so much fun!
Suspension - in general great setup! Car feels planted no matter if corner is a downheel or is in some sort of turned on one of it’s sides.

Epic build! Already fallowed you and will check your other tunes! Absolutley love to drive that rx7. Feels like there’s nothing that can compete with it in medium or high speed corners. Sharp corners are a bit scetchy but that’s understandable with low torque engine and rwd car. So yeah, all together - amazing build. Can’t get enough of driving it. Once I get the car going - it feels like a knife going trough butter. Just glides trough the track and corners!
Thanks, allot! This car now feels even more special than before. Love it to bits!

I second the recommendation for a controller. Especially if you like RWD cars. Partial input is easy with the triggers and is very advantageous. The feedback is really good–they vibrate more intensely as you break traction–so with practice you can threshold brake and launch by holding it just where it starts to vibrate. Helps you control oversteer on corner exit too.

Also, I’d been away for a bit and - hindsight being 20/20 - I know some of my older tunes could be better. I like my testing routine a lot more now. If there are any cars you’d like tuned, let me know.

Hmm, most of my japanese cars are for drift. So maybe you could give a shot at 2019 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1? Also one of the car pass vehicles.

My '19 ZR1 is currently tuned for drifting and it’s pretty solid there. I’ll see what I can do to make it more of a racer, though. Probably drop sometime in the Summer season?

Thanks! This was definitely a weird car to tune. I ended up with some unusual settings, particularly in the dampers. Managed to dial out most of the oversteer, but additional tradeoffs resulted in slower laptimes. I ended up exercising more steering control than normal to get the times where I wanted them.

Speaking of steering control, kudos for driving with a keyboard! I can’t imagine how difficult that’d be. I play on PC and use an XBox One controller. They’re are relatively cheap and plug-and-play, so I’d recommend picking one up if you can.

Acceleration killed the race tire version of the car. It just didn’t have enough power to move the extra weight, even if it carried a little more speed through the corners. I’ll mock up a version of the sport tire car with closer ratios, see if I can get a little more acceleration in that build.

I went with closer ratios on the RX-7 to improve acceleration. It’s now capped at 160mph, but honestly that shouldn’t hurt it in too many A-class races. Share Code for this version is 131 431 166.

Yeah, it’s a blast to drive it. I love that car now even more - thanks!

Corvette tune feels pretty good: 768 344 606

It’s in S1 trim, with stock aero and RWD. Let me know how what you think!

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Hey, sorry, that I haven’t replied for so long.

Just now got that C7 tune and tried it out in couple of races so here’s my thoughts:
I’m starting to love your builds even more and more! This seems like a good car to get used to breaking a bit earlier. Seems that this car doesn’t like pretty much any steering input while breaking as it seems to lose quite a bit of weight on rear wheels which causes to lose quite a bit of traction and it wants to go out. At least, it seems quite sensitive to steering input on keyboard. But it will help me clean up my driving style.
Again - love the oversteer/understeer balance. If I enter corner correctly then car feels planted and I can add or let-off of gas to adjust the trajectory.
Gearing feels good. It gets off the line decently well, compared to other S1 cars. Which is really good, considering that it’s RWD. Don’t feel like I’m being left behind all that much. On average I seem to lose only like a car lenght of distance to other cars. High gears are really good as well. But I think 3rd and 4th could be a bit shorter? Can’t explain it, but car feels to get off the line well, then it seems to just hang out with other cars and once it’s it 5th or even better at 6th and up - it feels like it finally woke up and starts to pick up speed and just fly by other cars. But it might just be that other cars start to lose their acceleration because their at their max gears or something like that so compared to them it feels like this C7 starts to rapidly gain speed. But that’s not that bad. Gearing is good and I haven’t had problems getting first places even though I’ve started to drive on the next difficulty as it was starting to get a bit too easy on the one that I was driving before.

One thing that’s been messing me up though - not sure what it is but it feels like car is too soft. At least, for playing on keyboard (as I can’t make small adjustments to steering) car tends to load up springs or something. Not sure how to explain that as I haven’t driven that much with real car and not anywhere near as hard in real life. But after a corner where I’m full steering lock and throttle - car seems to shift it’s weight on the other side like a sling shot when there are multiple hard corners one right after another. So sometimes it’s hard to keep that car in check after some corners.

So over all:
Another awesome build from you! One that will improve my driving as well. This car is really good in high speed corners. It just goes and easily takes on those corners. Not sure, if it’s my imagination but that 3rd and 4th gear seems to struggle so mid speed corners are a bit iffy. But once it get’s back up to those higher gears then it just goes and goes. Hope you can understand my explanation as I’m not that experience in racing in real life or in racing games.
Not sure what is your driving style but I do like how you tune the cars. You’re my favorite tuner in this game, that’s for sure!