Looking for people to race with..

Hey guys. I’m new to this forums thing, never posted here before but anyway. I bought Forza 6 the day it came out but I still cant get into it. The thing that puts me off mainly is the wreckers and corner bombers. I want to find people who race clean and do meet-ups for pictures etc…

My problem being I cant actually find anybody to race with, hence my posting on here. Just looking for some gamertags to add…

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Same here bro, you can add me if you want. My gamertag is the same as my name on the forums.

I’m in

Add me I usually get on for at lest an hour most nights


space between the d and s

Add me as well. You guys are welcome to check out our club, Evercool Racing. We have been around since 2011. Great group of decent drivers who keep it fun both on our club site and on track! We meet weekly running a variety of cars and classes, we host series and we have monthly hot lap comps etc. We have all skill levels represented and female drivers as well. My wife, Rosieracer61 and I founded club at beginning of Forza 4 and have enjoyed racing with some of our team mates for over 5 years now. So long we have a near family atmosphere and have made life time friends thru club.

If interested or just want to check out site, follow link , www.evercoolracing.com

Also ,there is no obligation to join our club to use our site or when racing as guest… All we ask is please use gamer tag when signing on site…
You guys are welcome to contact me via PM for more info or just to say hello!

We are a small group of racers based mainly in the Midwest and East coast. We normally play on Tuesday nights starting at about 6:30 - 7:00 pm cst. We are older drivers 40+ in age and are out to have some fun. Looking for other racers in our age and ability group to join us.

No one is out to stomp the others, we all compete and each of us try to win every race, no one lets up. We try to race clean and have fun and a good time. We use most of assists due to our lack of experience and skills, but were getting better and the competition is growing. So if you are learning, use most of the assists but still want a group to compete with this could be the group for you.

As the norm on a Tuesday night we take turns picking class and tracks to race on the night to warm up. Then we normally have two 4 race championship races. These races are made from classes we chose the week before along with a set of tracks. This gives you a week to get your cars ready and do some practice on the tracks. We want to stat a Season of races with a point system in June.

Most of us are also on other nights during the week and willing to have pick up races or help each other tune. Its a lot of fun.

So If you’re a mature solo racer looking for a group to hang with, use most of the assists, want to race clean this could be the group for you. If interested my Xbox gamer tag is DLAK1150. leave a Game message on this site or on Xbox. Or if you see me on drop me a message. Please no pub stompers.

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Add me, TTV6FORD and message me. I have the smart glass app so I will receive it whether I’m on or not. I race clean and any class. I’d love to join a league because I get top 1# in the world on rivals😁

We have a private lobby just about every night we do series races 3 nights a week but on the other nights we run A,S,R some of the guys are fairly skilled and some are Average myself included :smile:
We stay clear of the LB cars though just so you know. Hit me up FFR Madman.

add me, very clean (TRY TO BE) racer. if I bump dirty, I give the position back. Absolutely hate getting into races and people want to play dodgem cars!!!

Anyone who sees this thread should add me. This sounds like a lot of fun! I host lobbies a decent bit as well. Don’t worry man, me & everyone from this thread shall make your experience something to remember!

add me I’m online pretty much everyday and looking for people to crate a lobby with GT: EgE51

I’m in the same boat and would love to join some private lobbies. I will add a couple of you, feel free to add me too.


Im on the exact same boat as you bro. I love racing and bought this game on day 1. But found it hard to get into it due to poor racing. Would love to play with a respectful few ppl. Add me up
Gt: Dracus deVille