I think that Forza would be more fun if you could actually get credits from your Drivatar. Mine gets me 3k a day, but it would be more if people friended me. So comment your Xbox One gameplay, and I may follow you! And please follow me @Captain Pubbles
Yes looking for new friends for rivals
Gamertag: Insane Moskito
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I like setting my laps at the full 50 lap maximum. I think it’d be cool if I could race against my friends drivatars on “Free Play”, outside of “Career” mode.
I’ll shoot a friend request
GT: Spazz882
Here is a link to a forum post for adding and getting Forza friends for the purpose of rivals and more money from drivatars. It’s an easy way to get a bunch of forza friends fast. Just add the names on the list as friends and add your name to the list for the next guy to add you. Feel free to add me…My gt: ERT Fish
BTW, my old gt is FishingMaster31 so don’t try to add that name from the list
Best of luck on the track