Logitech G920 Steering Wheel Issue Xbox One ***FIXED*** Forza Motorsport 7

Hey Forza Community, First thread on here. (I also posted this in the “Forza Motorsport 7 Discussion” section of the forum so everybody can see this).

I play on the Xbox One and I really did not feel like the setting’s were on point after days of playing around with it, So I thought the wheel maybe needed an update.
I download the “Logitech Gaming Software” (Logitech Gaming Software – Logitech Support + Download), Plugged in my G920 into my Computer and A screen with Steering Wheel settings pop up. I Changed the Steering Sensitivity all the way to the right (100% On Full) and Centre Spring Scale to 0. I then unplugged the cable from the computer, Plugged it back into the Xbox and that’s it. This will fix your issue.

In Game Forza Settings: Their is to much rough vibration Drifting when the Force Feedback is set to 100% (even with vibration set to 0), So because of this I like my steering wheel settings more light to get less of a rough vibration when drifting. When I put the vibration to full, I can with a lower Force Feedback Percentage and still be able to feel the road.
When Circuiting, I will keep the same setting I have listed below but I will Change the Vibration to 0, Force Feedback to 100 and Force Feedback Understeer to Half Way (100) because when you are not drifting/sliding around, their is not as much vibration (Steering wheel will be heavier with these setting).

Ever since I plugged in the G920 into my computer, Changed the Forced Feedback Scale to 100% and changed the Centre spring scale to 0, I can feel the car a lot more, and it actually turns in like a real car.

Another thing you have to consider is Rotation Angle. Formula car Steering Wheel turns around 360 Degrees (One full rotation lock to lock), Rally car steering wheels turns around 540 Degrees (One and a half rotation lock to lock), Drift Car Steering Wheel turns around 720 Degrees (Two full rotations lock to lock) and you average import/domestic car steering wheel turns around 900 Degrees (Two and a half rotation lock to lock).
Depending on what car you are driving, You should change the Rotation Angle. You also have to consider the lower the number you put the rotational angle, The more sensitive all your other setting become. The higher the number you put the Rotation Angle, The less sensitive all your other settings become.

MmmmmmmmOhMyGod’s Forza Motorsport 7 Xbox One S Logitech G920 Steering Wheel Setting’s

Steering Axis Deadzone Inside : 0

Steering Axis Deadzone Outside : 100

Acceleration Axis Deadzone Inside : 0

Acceleration Axis Deadzone Outside: 100

Deceleration Axis Deadzone Inside : 0

Deceleration Axis Deadzone Outside: 20 - 25 (If you heal toe I put it lower so I don’t have to push the break as hard)

Clutch Axis Deadzone Inside : 20

Clutch Axis Deadzone Outside : 50

Hand Break Axis Deadzone Inside : 10

Hand Break Axis Deadzone Outside : 100

Vibration Scale : 100

Force Feedback Scale : 16

Wheel Rotation Angle : 900

Steering Linearity : 50

Forced Feedback Understeer : 32

Force Feedback Minimum Force. : 84

Wheel Damper Scale : 2

Centre Spring Scale : 0

Wheel Option’s: Layout 4 (Since their is no right joy stick, their is no way to look around. This way you can click A,B and X to look around) You will have no E-Break with this setting.


Breaking: ABS Off (You can feel thresh holding through the steering wheel if done correctly)

Steering : Normal or Simulation (Thats personal preference, Normal if drifting and sliding around though)

Traction Controll: Off

Stability Control: Off

Shifting: Personal Preference

Damage, Fuel & Tire Wear: Cosmetic (I guess that’s personal preference though, Im not trying to tune on bald tires if you know what I’m saying)

Hope this helped.

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