Found solution on youtube Xbox One Games Load Fail & Fix / How to best Reboot your Xbox One - YouTube
If the link does not work. The title is “Xbox One Games Load Fail & Fix / How to best Reboot your Xbox One” by Benjamin Danks.
Hope it works. It worked for me. Good luck!
Many thanks for your reply munchkin riley. I’ll look into that youtube vid.
Since I last posted I did delete and then re-instate my account on my console - no problems. Unfortunately it didn’t fix the above issue. The only way I could find to play FM6 on my own profile again was to delete my gamesave from my console (not permanently, please note). I now have two gamesaves. My new one syncs no problem and I’m back in the driving seat. The original one wont sync but still exists in the cloud.
As things stand I’m happy enough. I started over with the same 20.1m credits which is plenty enough for me to assemble a garage with upgrades for multiplayer/rivals which is essentially what I still play most. I still have access to all the benefits of VIP/Car Pass (although if I had my time again or in future I won’t bother with anyway - they’ll seriously have to upgrade the benefits to reel me in again). The only thing I’m missing from my new gamesave is the gift cars which are essentially gift designs of which I can find others which are more to my liking.
I know that I should be less reasonable about this and that I do have the option of getting Microsoft/T10 to look in to getting my gamesave back but hey my dear old dog died yesterday so having a blast on Forza is good enough for me at the minute
I had tried everything to get my xboxone to load FM file. Hard restart, delete my profile, uninstall and reinstall… is there anything im missing? I called Microsoft 3 times with this problem
I wonder if this trick from FM5 would work?
Has anyone deleted the game and installed it from the game disk, with the internet disconnected from the Xbox One? No wired or wireless connection to the net of any kind - make it think it's a standalone install....that may tell you if it's having some kind of trouble loading something off the net from somewhere.
Maybe before trying a netless install, disconnect the net and see if it loads.
When in the games menu, if you select a game, then press the menu/start button, then manage game, there may be saved game data there than can be deleted as well.
Same just happened to me. Great timing. I’ve got some organised races coming up. It’s a shame there’s no car club like forza 4, or car gifting. At least I’d be able to use the clubs cars if this had happened on forza4. Looks like I’ve got a grind a head.
Tried all of this and nothing. Rebooted it as per the posted video and nothing. Rebooted it other ways and nothing. I’m level 855 with well over 100 tunes and 200 paints. Houston we have a problem…
What is the exact. problem you have Skywarp 72?
I’m no technical wizard but lost my original game save at level 870 a couple of weeks ago. I might be able to share my experience if it helps. If you still have an issue PM me if you like. I’ll be on Xboxlive from 12pm GMT onwards
Had this happen to me yesterday.
Ran through all of the usual troubleshooting steps as found on these forums and then some found elsewhere on the web.
Nothing worked and it’s very disturbing to see an issue that has been present since beta still be an unresolved issue 4 months later.
Who’s at fault?
Xbox Live cloud services with no support-side accessibility to “Previous Version/Volume Shadow Copies” functionality or Turn 10 having no fault tolerance/exception handling/checksum verification to their game data? Shouldn’t be surprising given the Forza hub servers don’t update based on game progress even after weeks of play and constant-on status of the Xbox.
How does this even still happen? I’ve never lost game data in over a decade of playing PC games (take a page out of the Blizzard playbook).
To top it all off, making a thread here for a support request instantly goes into moderation because I haven’t posted before… I knew there was a reason I hated console gaming and haven’t bothered with it in a decade.
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My forza 6 will not go past the start screen.it come up load error.an unknown error accured. Please try later.later?it’s been 8 days now.rang xbox support 7 tomes and been through every check possible.even returned my console for a new one to rule that out.still nothing.found out if I sign in as a guest or make a new gamer tag from scratch it works??sign onto my gamer tag.load error.what is going on.can anyone help?don’t want to lose my progress.i want it sorting.its unfair.is it my profile oh is it a turn 10 error?why will it not load on my profile? It did!why does it work as a guest?hit a wall now.driving me crazy.help help.
This problem started 4am on Friday I believe. It’s jownaboutn7pm on sundaybeve, 3 online sessions and 4 calls to xbox live support still has not cured the problem
I have:
Uninstalled the game half a dozen times
done about a dozen hard restarts
uninstalled and reinstalled my profile
set the factory settings back on the box.
cleared the catch, mac, blue ray unsaved game data
cleared the local save
On one call to xbox live support they had me make another profile, and the game loads for it. Doesn’t do me much good tho cuz while some of my tunes and paints were shared, a lot of them werent. An issue with the cloud save perhaps?
How do bans work?? I might be banned??
I had same thing happen to me (see earlier in thread). I too realised it was something to do with the game save on my profile as i was still able to play on my wife’s profile.
As it was over the holiday period I decided that rather than contacting Microsoft I deleted my original save from the console by clicking on the FM6 icon in "My games and apps"and going into “Manage the game.” My theory being that I could contact Microsoft and retrieve my original save at a later date.
However after playing on my new save for several days temptation overcame me and I went back into “My games and apps” and decided to attempt to sync my original save. After five or so hours I interrupted it which was a big mistake.
What happened next was that some of the data from my old save had synced to my new one. For example all the tunes and designs I had originally downloaded. My only option was to re buy all of the cars (from memory) in order to be able to delete some of the tunes I had downloaded previously. Of course designs aren’t a problem as they have their own separate file.
I haven’t complained about this because it is my firm belief that I corrupted my original save by interrupting the syncing process on many occasions when i just wanted to get on and play the game, and then again when attempting to retrieve the original save from the cloud after having deleted it from the console.
Lesson learned - Don’t interrupt Syncing. I should have taken heed of Snowowl’s advice elsewhere on these threads.
On the plus side restarting your game isn’t too bad, if like me your primary reason for playing Forza is racing and not collecting cars. You restart with all your reward credits intact and lets face it money is easy to come by if you just get on and put the hours in. You also get all the Car Pass cars free to your garage again. The only thing missing is the gift cars which are essentially gift designs in my opinion. The only thing I will be doing now is keeping a rein on the tunes I download. That was definitely an admin. hassle
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Everytime I have loaded the game I wait until 100 percent to try to start it and the same with the syncs. Starting over woukd be disastrous for me as I didn’t save many tunes at all to start with, but had perfected tunes on car that I didn’t get around to saving.
I understand what you are saying. I don’t tune a lot so all my saved ones were available to download again from the leaderboards (that was before my two saves merged when i ended up with duplicates and banging the tune cap which was a bit of a hassle).
I’m sorry Microsoft are unable to do anything about it and it sounds like you have exhausted all your options and probably your patience trying
Anyone out there have a load error an unknown error accured on start screen.theres only one way for u to ever play it again.u must delete saved play from everywhere not just from console.ye u will lose all your achievements.but it’s the only way.100% works.its the only way.
I deleted my original game save from the console and restarted. The original one retained it’s own icon separate to the new one but look further up the thread for what happened when i tried to sync the old one again. It probably is best advice to delete it completely but I would advise speaking to Microsoft first.
Regarding achievements. You retain all your achievements it has always been this way with Forza Motorsport. Badges will have to be achieved again though.
You will start with all your earned “Forza Reward” cash again but anything earned in the first save will be gone. You will also be eligible for all of your Car Pass cars free to your garage again
I’m outraged, after countless hours playing this game I experienced the same problem last night. I’ve just read through all of the previous comments and tried troubleshooting the step by step reboot guides etc. But i Dont think this an Xbox problem. It’s disgusting to see nothing is being done to resolve the issue after the games first release 4 months ago. Im not happy with turn 10 or forza motorsports for there lack of support and information on the matter. Im going to delete the corrupt save game data and start a fresh so I can continue to play the game. But what if the same problem occurs in another 4 months? It needs to be fixed!
I am now having the same problem. I have deleted everything and tried reinstalling. No luck. Has any one been able to make it work again?
Ok. After reinstalling the game and deleting all of my saved info. I am at least able to play again. Now to begin retuning all over again.
At least I’m driving though
Grim. I seem to have run into this, and just short of hitting lvl 1000 too.