Forza 6 "Load Fail" I've lost 13 days of my life! **NEW GLITCH**

I was looking forward to playing Forza 6 today as I had been for the last year or so that I have owned the game. But I was greeted by a “Load fail” after booting the game up on the load screen. The error message was simply “Load fail, an unknown error has occurred” I’ve spent the whole morning and afternoon searching forums for similar issues to find a solution and it seems this issue is quite new or was present at launch but was not a serious issue as people would have only had the game for a day or two and would not have lost much in terms of saved game storage. But this issue heavily affects me and this experience has left a sour taste in my mouth for the game as I’ve had to start all over again. After spending an hour and a half with Xbox support trying to trouble shoot my account and cloud storage we came to the conclusion it wasn’t an issue with my Xbox, network or anything to do with power outages; just simply an unknown error in the game. They recommended I approached the forums because this is a "New issue/bug which can affect everyone and I guess I was the unfortunate racer who took one for the team. Turn 10 can you please address this issue if there is anything you can do on your side to rescue my tunes, liveries, game progress, Porsche expansion pack etc. Or at least provide me with some compensation for this because I have lost 13 days of my life along with my YouTube channel which I uploaded tunes to and other Forza related content. I have the whole conversation with Xbox saved if you would like to see it. Please get back to me ASAP, not just for my sake but to stop this from happening to other racers who are also so deep into the life cycle of the game.

Gamertag: DapoFlygerian

Is there a process to save our data on an external hard drive, for example ?

Im not too sure. You can back up with external hard-drive but I found out today from Xbox support it has to have a minimum of 256GB and support USB 3.0. But I dont know how it would work if you had updates etc.

You can’t save the gamefile on ext. Hdd. But it doesn’t matter when a game files been corrupted. The point is you have no backup. You should have the option to make a backup of your gamefile on a usb stick for example.

You can’t run saved files from a usb stick that hasn’t got the requirements. i make sure with xbox support. Like i said i tried everything before I had to completely wipe my saved data before the game ran properly on my profile.

I wouldn’t backup your Forza save on an external HDD

it has worked for me in soon 12 months so I would say it’s kinda safe Skreamies. but I do a full hard reset of my console once a week. don’t know if that helps ore not but I have had no issues :slight_smile:

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No and I can’t understand that. Whe have no chance to save our gamefiles. I can’t understand why. It must not on a external hdd maybe on one drive. So whe have chance to backup our saves.
It’s ridiculous when I lose my driver level 1170/ full garage/ 999 mio + savefile. I mean that 1000 hrs …not to forget all the designs.

But a other question. Did the game boot to the main menu? Can you start it offline? Sometimes it’s a issue with the cloud and after a while it works.

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Thats just annoying. It should be a simple thing to do and how can I put 100% trust into the cloud if it can simply fail and become corrupt destroying all my hard work. Exactly thats how I feel right now and I just dont know what to do. Im thinking if just selling the disk now and buying something new like F1 2016.

Game did not boot to main menu. Just stayed on the “Press A to start” screen with the Ford GT and then the pop up of the error. Could not start it offline either. Tried everything from Xbox support they diagnosed it with a corruption on my data as I was able to run the game from other xbox accounts without any problem, but just not the profile i needed.

Yes I know for that I wrote you should have the option. Crossing my fingers that I will not happen to me. In my eyes its a major issue and microsoft should make backups from every save if they don’t wont allow us to make our own backups. It can’t be a question of server or cloud space.
Yesterday I have an issue where the game didn’t start and then I got a message that it take to long to loading the game. So I made a complete reboot and started the game offline. Maybe there where issues with the cloud yesterday.

I’ve had that message twice in the past year. First time I did a hard reset of console. Game worked again. Last time a few months ago I had to uninstall and reinstall the game… Worried that I would lose all my progress and unicorns but all thzt happened iws I lost the ability to use my 2014 #62 Risi Ferrari. Jusr a blank picture and game crashes if I try to select the car. The 2011 and other Ferrari cars work. Try that and see if it works out.

It seems that Xbox Live is having some issues at the moment for a lot of people. ( )

I can’t sign in at the moment at all, so perhaps your issue is tied into that as well. I love it when the updates break the entire system! hah

And the issues with the game crashing on boot up and saying something like “Something went wrong, try again later” seem to plague everyone that I know on Xbox One.

When xbox support asked you to do a hard reset did you pull the power cable from the wall until the light on the power supply went off

Your game save is in the cloud so you need to wait for it to fully sync before trying to play

Also dlc packs are attached to your gamertag so you wouldn’t have lost the porsche pack

Dont know how it could have caused you to lose your youtube channel because that is something completely different altogether

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Talby71, like i said i followed all the Xbox support instructions and did it properly and like I also said they said its nothing to do with me or the hardware. I waited for a full sync we tried it multiple times. You are right I didn’t lose my Porsche expansion pack but whats the point of playing it if i have to go and re-tune ever single car again and oh I dont know, maybe because my Youtube channel is focused around forza 6?

Forza 6 seems to be a backround running game. I always, always, quit game from the home page when I am not playing it. I think this helps to not have any issues. I have done this since day one and have had no issues. I never trust anything that runs in the backround, as it could become corrupted.


Me too. Unless I’m taking a break from a long race, I’ll quit the game from the Xbox dashboard every time before I turn off my console. I’ve had no problems yet, and hopefully I won’t since I’ve reached driver level 2,952. I wouldn’t want to lose that!


Just curious as to why would you ask for compensation for losing a save file, do you make a living playing FM6? Do you know the amount of people the would be lined up with their hands out asking for the same thing if there even was such a thing? I know plenty of people that have lost save files, we just started over again, maybe go on the forums to ask for cars from the community (on FM2, 3, & 4), that was the only source of compenstion we got. Sorry you “lost 13 days of your life” but sometimes you just have to deal with it, poop happens. Honestly all you can do is start over or just move on.

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Well I didn’t pay for my game saved files to become corrupted and didn’t expect after putting weeks into the game it would be lost for good. I can rightfully demand for compensation if i feel i am entitled to it which I am doing. Compensation in terms of car/expansion packs, VIP passes, free game etc. Or at least for them to take action on this issue and address it. I am not looking for a huge lump of cash thats obviously not realistic, so I don’t know what you are thinking? I don’t care how many people would be entitled to a compensation thats not the point. The point is they need to fix this issue especially if it runs deep from previous Forza games. At least I’m doing something about it and making the developers aware about it. I think i am dealing with it as you said. Move on? You say that like its easy, maybe you won’t know until you are in the situation because ignorance doesn’t help this situation.

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This has happened to most of us, it’s unfortunate, but demanding compensation is not the way to go. The best way forward is to send a pleasant message to Helios@T10 and explain the situation. I have done this on two occasions, and have been given in game credits to help me back on my feet again.

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Like i said I’m not demanding a sum of money. Compensation can be anything helpful, you guys just here the word and think “money”. I have forwarded this issue to the developers and I was told by Xbox Support to make a post on her so that Moderators can see it and also pass it through to developers. Compensation in terms of credit is nice and that along with knowing turn10 are addressing this issue is all i needed, not the unhelpful posts. This has happened to most of you but i haven’t seen a post on forums if so not recently saying this problem still occurs.