Letter: Dear Mr. Greenawalt, Esaki, Caveizel, and other seniors

Most of the base team of pcars are working with Ian Bell again who was the studio head of slightly mad theyre making Project Motor Racing.

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No more grid? I kind of figured they owned the madness engine now and could use it for a grid/pcars hybrid.

They would be so incredible but now that Codies have been bought by EA I don’t expect any quality racing games coming out of that studio.

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Codies is still codies and theyre going to do what they do, but there are things that need to be addressed regardless of being owned by EA. EA has money and will invest in things that will make more. Buying Codies gave them the F1 license and Wrc, i wouldnt be suprised if we see them try to snatch up some others at some point.

Quality wise i think wrc was a misfire but it was using an engine theyre not accustomed to. F1 is a quality game, but suffers from a lack of creativity other than imo when they made the Breaking Point career, which was actually when they were owned by EA.

We’ll see what happens.

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Codies’ acquisition by EA was completed in Feb 2021, with the release of F1 2021 (which contained the first appearance of the Braking Point career) happening in July. I’d venture to guess the majority, if not all, of the Braking Point content was developed well before that point, independent of any EA influence.

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Yes this is true so it was of their own doing. F1 2022 would have been the first full game under ea, which had imo the horrible f1 life thing with the handful of supercars and living room furniture.

This is built from the ground up. They took 2 to 3 times longer to develop this game than previous iterations. So this is it. In sports they say you’re only as good as your last game, we have to stop looking at them as the “FM4 Turn 10”.


The title of the thread reads as if there will be AARP or Life Insurance info on display. Imagine my disappointment.

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What has surprised me about all this FM is how Microsoft does not have the slightest pride in being exposed by much smaller companies.

If they had a minimum after the launch fiasco they would be putting money there to put their game in a similar place to what they promised…but real money not three patches

Just as an example, it is really hard to believe to see how dwarf companies get vehicle licenses where FM is not and is not expected, when it should be the first in everything.

The market will put Forza2023 where it deserves, which is the disappearance of the franchise, the announcement of support for one more year is a declaration of intent, when it was said that it would be a game for an entire generation.

If Microsoft becomes interested again in the future in having a car game outside of the Arcade, it will have to be with a completely new title that cannot be linked in any way to Forza Motorsport and T10.

They have had 7 years for this


I think turn 10 live in a bubble and have cruised along living off past success. Its a common problem with some other Microsoft studios like 343. They think theyre to good to fail, yet we saw them both do just that with their current titles.

Its not everday you get to see 2 twenty year old franchises destroy themselves in such a spectacular way, but they did. Unfortunately i dont think either will recover.


They could potentially recover, that’s entirely possible.

Improvements are being made finally. Let’s see what becomes of it. A bit early to write it off entirely.

Obviously anything is possible. Compared to launch the game has technically improved every month. The issue is the sheer amount of improvements and the time required to do so.

Improvements are also subjective. Some people look at them adding tracks for “free”, i look at them as tracks that shouldve been in the game at launch. Some people are excited for a drift mode, while im happy for them, i dont drift so its not going to “improve” anything for me.

Ive always considered myself a realist, but it often comes off as though im a pessimist. Im not, i wanted this game to succeed, its been my favorite racing franchise for a long time. But at some point you have to take those rose tinted glasses off and look at the facts.

Motorsport has never been the best selling franchise, its not universally liked. The 4 year hiatus and promise of a rebooted next gen Motorsport had a chance to expand its player base. Next gen consoles, steam, gamepass, none of it mattered the game failed to launch.

People speak of cyberpunk and how they came back, that game had 13 million sales at launch. They could afford to lose nearly 90% of those people and still have more than this game had at launch. Motorsport didnt have the player base to launch a game the way they did, it is naive to think theyre going to make some sort of comeback.

They just streamed their mclaren esport event and it only had 12k views. You go on twitch fm7 has over 400k followers, this game has 38k, fm5 has more. Theres only a handful of people who make videos on youtube and while i give them credit for sticking in there, none are the next Super Gt.

So while anything is possible, the fate of this game is probable, its on life support. I still play here or there and wouldnt tell anyone who likes it that they should stop playing. I just think people need to be a little more realistic about what has happened here.


I feel the same way. The retail version of this game costs as much as its prior installments and it’s taken much longer to deliver, but it has less content & fewer features than prior installments, so I don’t consider putting back what we had before to be “additions/improvements.”
…Taking 3+ times longer to deliver less does not seem praiseworthy to me - that seems like something that should have long been (& should still be) setting off klaxons internally.