Lets help each other out

Ok, every time i search for a paint job i get some pretty awful results. It seems to me the painters aren’t getting the credit we deserve! For example i have a few designs ive put hours into and i imagine just aren’t getting seen. So, lets use this thread as a little way to “request a design” for a certain car and if someone has it they post it. You get a design someone has worked hard on, they get a like and some uses! Everyone wins!

Ill start, looking for a Lotus Exige design (no preference, as long as it beats the basic coloured paint jobs my search keeps throwing up) to get my affinity from 0-25. So quite a few uses instore!


Good idea mate.

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Wayne Tomlinson has an outstanding paint for the lotus exige, search motorpoint in the description. :slight_smile:

Nice idea…cant search paints using some GTs as they are to long ie Waynes and mine :frowning:

nice idea mate

I’ve thought about starting a thread of listings for all cars by painters but it would be HUGE to manage. I know T10 do one with the winners but outside of that it could become a nightmare to manage.

Its really not easy at all to find stuff from the forums but the only way is to post in in your thread with a list in the OP of all your cars to save everyone trawling every gallery page.
The livery thread at the top of this section is also a great space to paste a few pictures to get your paints seen in one very anaesthetically pleasing thread.

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We could request a sticky thread, and have a list of all of the cars in the game. When someone produces a paint, submit the information (pics would be nice), then the OP can provide a link in the list like this;

Once the link gets made, the post by the artist can be removed, that way, the page won’t get cluttered with a ton of stuff people have to sift through, they can just click on the links of the cars they are interested in and check out pics of the cars…something that Forza used to do really well in FM4 and FM3, LOL.