Legendary Tuner/Painter Badge

So while legendary tuner/painter is implemented in the system… the only way you can tell somebody has that status is by them being able to set their auctions up to 20 mil. That’s it.

I’d suggest adding a badge/flair for users that achieve those. That way people would be able to tell at a glance that the user has that status… also it would serve as a visual indicator that you’ve achieved it. (Currently I have to test for legendary painter by trying to auction things I’ve got a livery on and see if I can put it up to 20 mil like I can do with tunes).

Since they aren’t willing or able to fix at least the actual ranks getting displayed in the AH or Creative Hub I doubt we’ll see something like this getting implemented.

That said I’m of course for your idea but only if the icons don’t look like they’re coming out of a bag of a kids-club menu from McD’s like most of the other existing ones. In this case they can keep them. :wink:


You don’t even get notified about reaching legendary status. There’s no achievement that is unlocked no mention of it whatsoever. For something that I worked for and thought it would be a nice accomplishment. The whole thing was pretty uninspiring.



I’ve been tuner ( i don’t paint ) rank 20 for a couple weeks now but legendary hasn’t popped yet for me as i’m short a few downloads, likes , and uses yet. But it when it does that will be a huge achievement. These things take way more time and effort than any single monthly playlist does. Some form of acknowledgement in the form of a player badge or game name flair would be grand.