For the past two days I’ve been having an issue where after four or five races in the professional League the lobby changes to simulation damage. I don’t mind having simulation damage on but should I be always on or off
In the Leagues, Simulation Damage is defaulted to ON for Professional, Elite, and Pinnacle Divisions. There shouldn’t be any randomness to it. It’s always on if you’re in Pro Division, as you stated that you are. As far as I know, there’s no bug swapping it. There is a bug that some contact with tire barriers and such won’t damage the car, but a scrape with another car will render your car undrivable.
But damage is ON for you. And for any others that are in the divisions I listed above.
I’ve flipped my car in a major crash with sim damage setting on and never took any damage. Same story for everyone in the pile up.
yeah, there’s been some real inconsistent activity lately.
It should be the same in the division for every track. If you come across a track that has it off can you list it and what division it is in?
I dont remember wich track, but I did notice it too, think it was in Lambo league.