Language / Country Hubs

Perhaps more useful, helpful, and inviting than the blanket “English Only” there could be sub-sections for each supported language/country ? That way people needing help and not fluent in English or unable to get a decent translation of their issue could still ask for help in a place where it will have the best chance of being seen and understood by others fluent in their language and possibly even having the same issue.

I’ve seen it time and again here. People needing help, and having their issue go unresolved and closed with the “English Only”. Or, like today, someone posting for help but something seems to be missing in the translation and I’m not even sure how to help. How much better if the question was in the player’s native language and seen by someone else of the same.

And all those times an issue comes up with poor translation in the game where someone has had to hunt for the correct meaning. How much better if someone bilingual notices it and could post about it in their language to give non English players a head’s up on the latest translation error.

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The issue with that is, say it happened and we had specific sub-forums for languages other than English:

How would you deal with the extra clutter in the sidebar?

Would moderation be too expensive/have too much overhead for it to be worth it?

How often would those Sections actually get used?

And what about the Suggestion Hub, should that also translate to other languages?

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All good questions.

I think the extra clutter would be minor, or could be if done properly.

No idea if they even pay the mods or how much to answer that. Worth it though ? What is the price of customer service ? The cost of doing business in a multi lingual product.

I’d guess from the issues being repeatedly raised they’d see good use. Not as much as some pointless (imo) hubs probably.

Not just the Suggestion Hub. With current hardware/software the whole forum should be translatable to any language for anyone. I can (and occasionally do) do it on my screen side, on the fly. Why it’s not a feature built in server side yet I don’t know. And it should be able to translate anyone’s post from any language into any language for any user based on their settings. Not perfectly but much better than some of the examples of PGG/T10’s translation efforts in game that just makes me, and others, scratch our heads.

Thanks for the great questions ! Not sure I made equally good answers. The idea is probably as much a question as a real suggestion. I just felt like running it up the flag to see who’d shoot and who’d salute :wink:

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I agree, the main problem that springs out of that though is: “How do we get people to notice?”

People already don’t read before they do stuff (Exhibit A: Yangwang U9 2023-current), so the issue becomes a balancing act between making those hubs visible enough while not making them extra clutter in the long run.

The main problems with that are:
A. How many users of any language X would be using those services?
A2. Would it be worth it to cater to that language minority (because let’s be honest, outside of Mandarin, every other language on Earth is a minority language comapred to English)?
B. Would it be cost efficient in a place that barely has 100-500 active users (at least that i can think of)?

If i had to choose languages to go for that would fit the criteria set in A., i’d probably go for Spanish and German (pre-existing Social Media accounts, so Admin has been taken care of beforehand), French (As that is also a pretty large block of speakers, which is very proud of it’s language) and maybe Portuguese (Brazil), i think most other languages would be too small, take Dutch for example, according to the European Commision, 90% of all people living in the Netherlands speak English.

Take Icelandic, another national language, and yet, iPhones don’t support it, the smartphone lineup with the largest marketshare (

I don’t think any of them are pointless, but that’s a totally different issue from this

Mainstream Translation Tech is still a few years away from being better than human translation without oversight, although it is pretty good now, as long as you stay within languages with a Latin Alphabet

Try entering “其他还可以,这比亚迪除了U9其他算了” into google translate and see what comes out, then permutate it in different ways, you can see how the english meaning changes with what parts you remove, it’s surprising how bad it is when you move away from languages written in Latin Alphabets

As to why it isn’t implemented Server-side… i don’t know if there are any solutions to implement that Server-Side right now without massive overhead, there was a Google Translate plug-in years ago, but i don’t know if:
A. It was updated to anything recent
B. If it even exists anymore for public use

Of course, the best solution would be something like DeepL integration (OpenAI & Microsoft?), which would be the best outcome for something like this, as DeepL is very good at translation, but that also ends up at the problem “Can we even integrate this solution onto our Servers?”, which isn’t for me to solve

Thanks for answering, i like poking holes into ideas, as that just makes them stronger in the end (which is great for everyone)

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100% agreement there :+1:

I dabbled with that Google plug-in as I recall, always wondered what happened with it. And I used to have great fun when bored doing the translation permutations through cycles to see how far messed up things got :smiley: It’s a good “game” for keeping tabs on the progress of translation apps too.

Yeah, the AI stuff should move the whole thing into a new level. I’ve been toying with the idea again of building myself some smart glasses so I don’t have to keep pulling out my phone to translate text and audio. Imagine the world when that is standard ! Unobtrusive wearable tech breaking down barriers. Of course the exploitation downsides are as frightening as the upsides are amazing. Not to mention people losing more skills as they depend more on the tech. Interesting times :wink: but we probably can’t stop it.

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