Lamborghini diablo gtr decal id needed

found some1 to help me with a lamborghini diablo gtr race car. but is having issues with identifying some decals can any1 help id them? (decals in question are marked in red)

One is

ID Integrated Diversity

Another one

IA Carmaking you probably can’t get much better than this…

You could just find the fonts to make a nice big version of them in Photoshop.

Found a decent pic of the top one. It says INTEGRATED DIVERSITY

Underneath I think it’s either TSR or CSR possibly???

I’m sure the 2nd one says carmaking but haven’t been able to find anything conclusive.

Thanks for that Midnyte, never guessed it was ID rather than HD… Looks like TSR below. Of course, by the time they’re on the car they’ll be too mushed up to read, but that’s the painter’s lot.

I had seen it was “carmaking” with a stylised IA in front. I was trying to find a clean logo of that and the Nomad logo to get the text right although I have managed to produce a reasonable base by manipulating an existing image.

I’m probably worrying too much…

LoL, not at all mate, I’ve had a bee in my bonnet and trawled through tons of photos using ever more abstract search words… decided to concede defeat on the ‘carmaking’ logo :woozy_face:
One thing I would say though is that I think it’s a stylised M rather than the letters ‘IA’ in front and I think I saw an apostrophe S in one less blurry photo so it might be someone’s name? You know, like Monty’s carmaking or something?
I’ll stop now.…:wink:

On a side note, AquaPainter are your posts under moderation? I’ve just noticed you replied way before I did but I’m sure it wasn’t there when I posted this morning. Just wondered cos the same thing happened in my thread before and it also shows you as the most recent reply to some threads even though others have posted after you :thinking:

thx for the help with id on the decals. i noticed the round decal thats under the battery and fire extinguishers is not on most of the pictures i found of the diablo gtr. so prob dont need a id on it after all.

Thanks Aquapainter for your pix. Like Midnyte your messages only just showed up for me.