Keep manufacturer graphics when painting

  1. Stop manufacturer graphics from disappearing when you change the color to a non standard color. Like how the SVJ loses it’s flag stripes etc

Better yet, at an on/off toggle in the paint section.

Paint any part of the car without losing original decals (eg, keep SVJ logo on custom paint job) but have option to remove them if you want to.


Yes PLEASE! They used to have this in the 360 era and it was so cool! Unfortunately you had no way to remove them if you wanted them off, but a toggle button is a perfect solution! Such a simple idea too!

You should post this as a MotorSports suggestion too!

As I sit here putting a new color on the GSX…pretty please can I keep my black stripe?

The Shelby Omni gets all of the car 80s Shelby & Turbo decals removed, even from the window visor. It’s so lame :sob:

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I very much agree with the suggestion!

Another thing would be that these same “vinyls” from the manufacturer could be painted as well as other sides of the car that have more than 3 options… that falls into this section, right?

For example; Some muscle cars that from the factory paint already come with stripes on the hood in either white or black depending on the factory color, but what if you wanted to keep these stripes but at the same time want to have them in a matte or gold color for example…?

Now, in some sports cars like the Huracán STO or the Jesko that have some vinyls that are erased when trying to paint even the calipers, they should leave them and add an option to change color, for example; The Jesko’s stripes are removed from the hood when trying to change color and the STO’s flags and STO logo are removed from the doors. If an option is added to remove or leave them and also change their color it would be great and just like these there are many more examples… as is the case of the ken block Gymkhana 10, the 2016 Focus… the car originally had blue wheels in FH3, during the progress of FH4 they removed the color and never gave any explanation and now it does not allow you to paint them without brand logos disappear.