Option to keep or paint over stock decals

Title. If you don’t pick a manufacturer’s color for the Hood (???) you can’t have the Elan Sprint stripe on the side, making it at least half as cool.

Some cars are fitted with certain decals if you buy them stock. Unfortunately, all this decals disappear, when I want to ad custom decals, license plates e.g. And on various cars there are spots for license plates which are not useable to paint or put decals on at all.
These are minor niggles, I like the game much so far :slight_smile:
Greetings from Germany - 40km of the nürburgring

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You should make this a more general suggest for all cars, like this thread! I hate losing the awesome Shelby Omni GLHS decals on the rear and windows, as well as all the cool stripes classic muscle cars rock. And option to keep/remove decals seems so simple and obvious

Cars with factory liveries stripes, decals badges ect, can we make it transferable to a custom paint job.?

Would make it so much nicer instead of trying to recreate it just for a custom paint job. Used the gto for an example.

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I would like them to fix the Judge and Trans Am ('73) stripes so that they show the correct colors for each stock paint. Currently, the Judge only has the green/yellow/white combination stripes on ALL factory colors, and the '73 T/A does the same with the Bird and lettering only being red/orange/black.