It's still~ punishingly* linear

I understand some cars are set up for rotation, that’s great, i understand rotation is sort of a new concept exploited by f1, but reallistically i should~ be able to rotate a stock vehicle, i should have nuanced grip for no reason after a long straight away for what seems like no reason, it’s the optimal grip, you know what im saying, there should be some~ return on investment, although you guys do a great job, and have an updated engine, i want the tire models to be as real as possible, and im saying all 48 pipelines need numbers that aren’t the same, but naturally based on weight distribution of the rim and vehicle, ya know? You have too much sufferage of keeping the vehicle straight on its trajectory, you might need tuning bounds also that show each dial where rotation and perfect line meet, So you have rotation as bright-turquiose green, and speed as orange/yellow, and they simply highlight each and every tune on a 96bit depth of possibilities, so you should see some~ green and orange in two or three separate clusters, and then you can set your accessability to turn off that option. The car feels like rails, the steering feels smoothed, and those things may not be the most welcoming attributes. Pipelining predictable outcomes, is the scourage of simulation, we must actively try to avoid it.

ext: its the corner speed you can take data from… so corner speed, and plausible rotation…

ext: that rubber flex simulated is extremely important to grip temporarily, it has to feel extremely soft and vector outwards from~ 32mph ya know what i mean, entry wheel physics, you have already semi-great recovery, for~ rotated vehicles, but that rubber flex and suspension in 36 to 50mph in some cases is everything in a panic moment… just entry, and then decay the entirety of road americas Ferriswheel… and thats an alterior point is, you can make the odds also, above the fader, select which track…