It crashes when I go to start a multiplayer race

I get into multiplayer races, it lets me do the practice without a problem, but when it’s about to start it stays with the loading screen and the countdown to the race, it doesn’t let me choose either gas or tires, and when time runs out The loading screen goes black and then it crashes, it doesn’t always happen, it will happen to me 1 in every 4 races, the truth is that it gets a little tiring, practicing for 20 minutes and then not being able to do a race


Are you in PC or XBOX?

If on xbox make sure you aren’t using the quick resume feature because while it works with every other game I’ve ever played, it makes fm23 very unstable.


This bug really unstable. This kind of bug reports never happens on me on XBOX Series X. But happens on some of them like you and other guys.

Thanks for letting me know, but I play on PC through Steam

I know PC has had way more issues then xbox from the start but has gotten better. @JohnDoe9302 seems to know alot about that stuff so maybe he can share some wisdom.

I’m getting the crash but after I’ve finished a multiplayer race. On xbx

I have suffered many disconnections after the last update on Xbox Series S. Before that update it was playable

It’s the 8.1 Hotfix that’s causing all the issues, didn’t have any issues with update 8

I disabled this feature, it seems to work better. but my connection is still precarious, sometimes it freezes and sometimes it disconnects

So are you talking network related? Have you tried the network troubleshooting and diagnostic things on the xbox? Have you tried any other MP games on the xbox?

Yes, my network is very unstable. I haven’t tried any of the network features that could help me. After the last update I had a lot of disconnections, I think because I was using the quick resume function. Thanks for sharing your point, yesterday I tested without the feature and it helped me a little

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This issue is directly related to my feature request:
Include Xbox Gaming Services in the Steam Version of Forza Motorsport

By properly integrating Xbox Gaming Services into the Steam version, we could avoid these unnecessary disruptions and dependency issues.

If you’ve experienced this problem, consider supporting the proposal to improve the game’s online stability.

:arrow_up: Vote and help make this change happen!