Issue with importing fm5 designs

Hopefully it’s just me. It just says saving game and it doesn’t finish saving:( I have to restart the game everytime. Oh well if it’s a big enough problem I’m sure they will patch it

Same here

Me to ,
ah well its forza

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I have 2 imports doing this… A third imported just fine, and quickly.

I’m sure there will be a patch out, sadly I wanted my best liked Forza 5 design imported on Day 1. At least 1 of my top 3 is there. :slight_smile:

Yeah… cr ap shoot. Either instant load or no go

Do you have a “lower-case a” character vinyl in your original FM5 file? If so can you remove/change it and then try importing it again.

This is a known issue and we’re currently working on a fix.

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Is this an issue with FM5 files specifically or FH2 also?

Additionally; if I only have Vinyl Groups, will I have less trouble? I’ve got about 30 or so that I made since August on FH2 that I plan on porting over.

We believe it’s exclusive to FM5 to FM6 transfers.

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Okay, thanks for the quick response.

I’ve only created work on FH2 (in order to get a head start on FM6 painting) so hopefully I’m unaffected.

On a side note (more of a general question that anybody can answer): When you do an FM5/FH2 import, does it only import “unlocked content” (ie: items YOU created) or also downloaded content from other players (which would still be locked)?

Only unlocked content will transfer over

Only unlocked content will transfer

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Cool. I hope it does get fixed. I traded in FM5 to get 6 and can’t go back to remove any a’s.

Okay … so I imported a full design very quickly from FH2 to FM6. No problems. But … how do I apply it to the same car in my garage? The only options I see when I select the imported design are Share and Rename? What am I missing?

Ive got files with upper and lower case A/a and some save and some dont. REDBULL didnt save and has no a/A in it.

Same, one design I tried to import has no A (lower or upper) in the name.

Sorry if I wasn’t clear, I don’t mean in the filename, I mean one of the lower case “a” character decals in your design.

That was a nice find, needle in a haystack. I do believe everyone of my designs has an “a”, non of them are importing at the moment.

Ok I just got that. All decals will import however if there is a letter a in the decal itself it will be missing from the decal. I think now that if you have a full design that has a letter a in it somewhere on the paint it wont import and the save screen will just keep spinning.

Short term solution load fm5 delete all lower case a’s from design you want to bring across. Save as new filename and go back to 6. Import the new design, add the lower case a’s back in and jobs a good un.

I am not having any issues with my FH2 imports, it seems to be when I try And Import FM5 files that I get the a random load here and there, but on the whole it just gets stuck on the saving screen.