I want a list of all my track runs. I want to know more than just where I placed on Forza’s leaderboard. I want to see only my results for every track and car.
- Can I see either online or on Xbox a list of just my runs?
- Can I download the leaderboard online so I can filter it for my runs?
Or from now do I have to break out a pencil and paper to have a record?
I’m afraid you will have to take your pencil and a paper… or take a Notebook!
All your results in every tracks in every cars won’t be saved; just your best one’s.
You will have to go to Rivals in single player to see your best times.
Online leaderboard is not available for download, the only leaderboard online is the ones on Free Roam with the Radars and Speed Traps. I never really raced online, just played Playground, so I can’t say that, but I don’t think racing online will count as your best results, even though you do 25 minutes on Single Player and do 30 seconds online. Rely to experience, not youngness!