Interior of 1995 corvette zr1

Anybody check out the tachometer, oil, amp, and temp gauges? They are all crooked and out of alignment. Sorta sucks, the rest of the cat looks great. This is my fav as I own one.

Also, cannot believe you are unable to open the clamshell hood and see the LT5 engine under the hood. I assume the car was copy and pasted from Forza 4?

I haven’t checked out the vehicle, yet; but, often times, the gauges (in real life) are physically adjusted in such a way that the needles are viewed in a particular form - the result of a driver/racer who prefers a certain gauge display . So, if this was done intentionally, it is likely that the vehicle Turn 10 borrowed for modeling had this treatment and the development team decided to carry it over into the game.

As for your “copy and paste” theory, Reno Raines Jr, you are free to believe whatever you want.

The gauges are crooked. I own one. It just seems to have been poorly done. The copy and paste theory comes from the fact they didn’t take the time to allow you to pop the hood and view the LT5 engine in forza vista. I know it’s a minor gripe, but I point it out because I love the car. I am happy they included it though and happy for the free track

The car wasn’t in FM4, the GS model was though.

The only real difference for modeling would be the third parking light is above the glass on the zr1 and the secondary key for partial and full power on the console.

No cars in this game are copies. They just either didn’t have time to put in the detail to the engine and trunk bays yet to all of the cars or aren’t able to due to possible licensing issues.

Or the engine bay isn’t original enough or looks too poor to model. Many reasons why some would be missing.

The LT5 engine is one of the most unique looking engine for its time, plus the c4 had a clamshell hood. It’s too bad