Ingame Radio Stations - But Updateable

We’ve all seen the comments and may have experienced it ourselves
“the music is repetitive” - “i dont like the songs” - “add xx song” etc…

IMO, the solution to alot of this would be the following:
Forza Horizon likes to sign named or local bands to the radio selection to create an atmosphere, promote local artists and feed into the Cars+Music Horizon-Theme… However, Forza Horizon will NEVER be able to satisfy everyone, but they can make almost 50% of the complaints instantly disappear…

Launch with “Signed Artists” - also used to promote the game (recognizable sounds)
Add ingame rewards of, or ingame updates to… the radio song selections list with:
“xx by xx - Royalty Free song for Commercial Use”
there are 10’000’s of them, yes some are instrumental & generic, but alot are by new artists trying to create a name for themselves and the big bonus… ITS FREE!!!
