Indicators\turn signals and rear mirror for bonnet view?

Anyone know if the finished game will have turn signals\indicators and a rear mirror for the bonnet view. For me the best view because my tv feels like the windscreen so u can see abit better instead of the car blocking the view (in some cars). the mirror was VITAL as i drive manual and using the stick and changing gears while braking causes problems. The same reason i prefer bonnet to cockpit as u usually have to turn your head to use mirrors. Group gps stops no indicators being a problem but the mirror thing could upset me. If its not, can u make it so please T-10?

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They’ve never introduced indicators but they bloody need to in FH3!

Majority of people would never use them, myself included.


Why would we need indicators? This is a racing game, not a driving lesson sim. And if we had, there’s no way I would tell the drivatars behind me which route I’d take anyway. :wink:


What we need is online indicators telling us what cars are round about us.


Forza 5 could use them too.

Yes! This is a great feature in Gran Turismo that Forza needs to steal right away.

YES we need indicators, the more details te better!!

The demo is a finished version of the game, just without all of the cars, events, and the entire map.

If the features that you mentioned were not in the demo, then it will likely not be in the full game.

Use the wishlist thread stickied on this subforum if you want to request something.

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You’ve got that wrong, A demo is an unfinished version of the game. Demo builds tend to be months old sometimes even 4-6 month old builds.

It’s ok, we’ve got a horn now. A HORN!


Have we?
What button sets that off?

I wish Turn 10 And Microsoft would add them in a update or something

Then you should post your REQUEST in the appropriate wishlist thread(s) and not revive a thread that has been dead for 2+ years.