Increase painter level FH5

How on earth do we increase our painter level in FH5 ? Is it glitched at the moment ? Even players with three figure thousands of downloads are still level 1 ? What do we have to do

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Couple of notes ā€¦ (1) The devs never explained what the actual formula was with FH4 and so far have not explained it in FH5 either. Best guess is that they will never tell us exactly what the formula is and how levels are calculated. And (2) at the launch of FH4, the entire painter leveling and sharing/rewards system was broken for several months. It does appear that maybe thatā€™s the case again. Weā€™ll see if it gets fixed before long.


I think itā€™s bugged. Iā€™ve more than 5k design downloads so far and Iā€™m still at rank 1 while I was rank 11 with about 4k in FH4 already.

same problem for me ā€¦ plust the ranking ā€œstarsā€ appear random, 5 stars, then i reboot the game it give 2 stars, then again 4,ā€¦etcā€¦etcā€¦

How did you make that tarnished gold in your siggy?

is the gold paint in the game, livery on share too :wink:

I notice theyā€™ve also conveniently omitted the ring graphs that showed the progress to the next level, as well.

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Quick update, legendary painter now and still no rank up. I would say it most certainly is bugged.

Where can you check if you are a legendary painter. cant find it anywhere ingame =/

Yes ā€¦ I am sure that once again everythingā€™s bugged with these systems at launch ā€¦ they were at the launch of FH4 as well. But just an FYI ā€¦ legendary status is not tied to painter rank in any way. Itā€™s completely based on combined downloads, likes and uses.

Try to auction a car for 20m. You have to have 50000 downloads, likes, and Uses. It takes a long time.

Already sold 2 cars for 20m. Didnt know that means I am a legendary painteršŸ˜… thanks guys

But the car you try to auction needs to be painted by you.

It didnā€™t in FH4 unless they have changed the rules.

Itā€™s been that way since at least FH3

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It wouldnt make sense if you could make millions using someone elses paintings

Oh, I though I sold all my cars for 20M, I must have painted them all.

I strongly dislike the fact that the auction house pricing is tied to your painting level. For those that donā€™t have that exceptional creativity to create designs, canā€™t sell for the big profits in the AH.

Yeah really unfair when people get rewarded for their creativity and sometimes hours they are putting in their designsā€¦ what also sucks is when someone wins a race coz they are better drivers than I amā€¦ hate when that happens


Donā€™t make me laugh! You can become a legendary painter by constantly making cars in one colour or with a horrible design, you see so many of them already. Almost always these are made by those who were able to unlock the game early by conquering all the front pages of the relevant cars.

Do you really think itā€™s a matter of skill or meritocracy? In FH this does not exist and will never exist (unfortunately).