I think it’s not 50K downloads likes and uses combined to achieve legendary painter status, maybe it’s either 30K or 40K combined, because I got my legendary painter status notification at the podium (when leveling doing some races), and at the time the total downloads of my designs combined were about 41K or 46K if I remembered it correctly…
If you miss the notification or you want to check your legendary painter status, you can check it at the accolades, if it’s turns gold and checked, there you got it
It very likely is still 50K. That’s what it’s been for several games now and it wouldn’t make sense for them to change it this time. Keep in mind that if you’re actually sharing quality paints that people like and not just spamming one-color-wonders all over the place, the most significant part of the formula is ‘uses’. You should always have more uses than either downloads or likes. Meaning that most people will achieve legendary status with significantly less than 50K actual downloads.
I think you’re right cause when I got my notification, I just went to my CH front page to check the numbers, but it didn’t says how many “uses” and “likes”, only says “downloads” that I saw forty something…, and yes I also agree that the most significant part of the formula is “uses” because in order to know how many of my design were being used… they need to race with it at least twice and there’s also when a notification popped up on their screen… asking them to give it a “like”…
I’ve 8k design downloads by now but I’m still rank 1 amateur. The ranking seems to be totally random. Not that I want to downplay the work of anybody. I know Aqua delivers top quality for example.
I don’t think the painter level is ‘random’ … but simply broken. Every painter I’ve spoken to or seen talking about it on all the platforms are all rank 1 amateurs. Don’t believe it’s working for anyone right now.
Wow! 100K downloads? You must be a very talented painter. Mind posting a photo of your highest downloaded livery for us mere mortals to be inspired by?
This “new” system is so confusing. The designs shown on the first page when buying a new car is mostly a different color car while quality designs is hidden away.
It´s also almost impossible to get downloads (at least for me) and thy payout is more like an afterthought.
I fondly remember the storefront system I FM4, it´s light years better than the current mess in my opinion.
I’m slightly over 20k but still at rank 1. I’ve contacted the support shortly after the last update and got a reply telling me they know about the issue and looking into it. It just took them three weeks to answer and I hope that isn’t an indicator for how long it’ll take them to fix the actual problem.
no worries, there is nothing interesting to buy in fh5 at this point - try not to earn that much - after 20Mil you will have all the cars and things in the game anyway and there is no excitement anymore in spinning the wheel or something. if you have all the items in your garage most of the prices from the wheelspins are 3000 to 100000 Credits - Stay poor as long as you can!
Handshake emoji This is the first time Titelmelodie has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!
Hi Titelmelodie! Welcome to our cummunity! That’s a hell of a controversial standpoint you’ve noted having on retaining the “new car to drive” feeling. No big deal, though. A very constructive first post on our precious board. Hope to see more from you in the future!
(Cutting beyond the absurd facade of acting proper, I suppose you’ve given enough detail so as to avoid what would have been a nearly meaningless four month gravedig. Most of us know what has gone on with FH5 in its time since being released. Regardless, some of us have a hard time staying “poor”. Even myself, getting on average 300,000 credits per day just from paints. After a while, decent tuners and painters end up with millions they can’t really do anything with.)