Photo Competition 1 Win | Forza Week in Review 10-6-17
Set - 4 || C63 AMG Coupe Black Series
W I N S ★ P O D I U M S
P E R S O N A L ★ F A V O U R I T E S
The sixth shot does it for me, due to the composition and the team rivalry that is going on. Aside from that it will be good to see what you come up with next.
Thanks guys!
Amazing work! Can’t wait to see more!!
Yep, I’m definitely in a Korniis gallery. Splendid photo you have here!
Thanks NV!
You nailed those low zoom shots, I love them. excellent shots here Korniis
Great start mate, love the duelling S3s
I love the vibrant colours in your set. They make everything pop nicely.
Wuuuhu! I see Volvos! I think you know which photos I like Great set tho!
The tunnel shot with the Denso Volvo is amazing.
Thanks for the comments guys. Much Appreciated!
Great Start Korniis! I do like the new Dubai track and it will get some use from me once I start to race and stop these photos. Well done!! Cheers torque99