I'm not going to bother anymore

No language options on Xbox and PC. How hard can this be? Just because I live in Germany, I don’t want to hear German “actors” read lines like robots.

Accuracy of numbers in tuning setup is internally different than the sliders show. So you may tick a slider 8 times but the tire pressure still shows 2.8 instead of something like 2.85. This has been the case since at least Forza Motorsport 2 as I remember it driving me crazy then. WHY, WHY, WHY?!

Multiplayer is just plain frustrating with everyone driving like an idiot. Short term and long term penalties are needed! Take a look at GTS. It may not be a perfect system, but it’s miles better than this.

Not enough music tracks. I feel like I have already listened to all tracks on the first day. Why not integrate one of Microsofts music services?!

Too much flashy time wasting between actual racing! I can’t stand my own avatar already!

If you want to redo races you have to suffer through the same awful cinematics again and again and again

No way to change driving aids between races in online championship. Either force everyone to the same handling settings or let us quickly activate things like traction control.

Not enough button customization. If you turn off ANNA you’re left with dead buttons. Why not let us have more communication or driving aid shortcuts?

Most of these things haven’t changed since the very first Forza and I’m pretty sure they never will. I tried liking FH4, but it just frustrates me. Just my 3 cents.


I’m still perplexed at deleting and installing 3 times. Were you expecting a different game each time?


No :slight_smile: I quit and reinstalled it later several times, because I really wanted to like it and thought I could live with its shortcomings. I have a 500 MBit internet line, so reinstalling it wasn’t a big deal.

At least you’re busy with the game someway XD

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