It is with heavy heart that I must step away from FH4, for now. I’ve been with the Forza Horizon series since the beginning, and I have countless hours behind the wheel. I was really hoping that FH4 would be the next step up in terms of fun and competition, but sadly, the competition part is just gone. Replaced by dancing avatars and a supreme attempt to level the playing field, by the devs. Any semblance of competition has been replaced by events which just require dumb luck to win. Also, while I was used to hack racers in the online races of the previous FH games, they have now been amplified in FH4, by making the Ai cars behave similarly. There’s just no events In FH4 online, for guys that want good competition. SO, with that said, I’ll leave you guys and gals to your glitter shirts, crowns, and 90s dance moves. I do love the FH series, so I will check back in on occasion. Who knows, maybe the racing will return some day.
I’ve been enjoying it so far, a lot of stuff and cars to collect. Never cared for online save for the freeroam anyway.
Why are you telling us this?
Because they are looking for attention and or sympathy on an online forum.
Pretty much. That or to garner similar opinions. I doubt people like him/her stop playing also. BTW Mugen, do you play Halo? I feel like I’ve seen your GT in a few Fiesta BTB matches or the like.
The racing hasn’t left - leastways I’ve done a fair amount of it. Whether you enjoy the frivolous addition or not, the emotes and clothing certainly haven’t “replaced” anything other than lowball CR awards on Wheelspins. But Wheelspins were always garbage.
k bye no one cares
It takes longer to tell everybody how you don’t care about the OP’s post than it does to just not say anything… Interesting. The guy is voicing his opinion, and giving an outlet to other players who share a similar opinion, so that developers of games know how consumers feel. Perhaps his opinion isn’t shared overwhelmingly, perhaps it is. Either way, what does it matter? Oh lord no, a guy disagrees with me about a video game, the world is ending!!!
You should care. When people leave the community for any reason it lessens it’s value. If enough people leave franchises die!
He might be looking for attention, he might be genuinely bewildered by what he sees for the franchise in the future.
For me the avatars and emotes are an annoying part of online gaming at the minute. But like every other fad they’ll fade away so i ignore them.
But for me Horizon 4 has been underwhelming in many respects and absolutely brilliant in others. So it’s easy to understand posts like these that are the random thoughts of people who know the franchise can do better in some respects and they’re letting the developers and the community know.
To respond with “nobody cares” says more about you than it does the OP. Come on guys have some compassion, and if it turns out he is attention seeking you’ll still be seen in the right, whereas if he is indeed disillusioned with the franchise you’ve just shown everyone that you’re uncaring and callous.
I’ll get off my soapbox now.