I'm looking for rare cars for sale!

I’m looking for rare cars for sale!

23 porsche gt3-r 50mil
23 porsche gt3 rs 50 mil
23 porsche turbo s - 30 mil
mclaren 765 25 mil

are you crazy with those prices? im selling regalias less.
Bro! If you need cars, find me on discord, I’ll give you better deals…

Which is your Discord?

This is Forza Horizon 4, not 5. You mixed it up; here they are selling cars for the 4th part.

I want one regalia its my favorite car


Which version do you want: the regular sedan or the monster truck version?

Regular type

17 milion for it

People do have them, but you wont get them for 17m. I traded a couple of mine for 3 (rare) Backstage Cars each, which would be around 60m then.

If you only have 17m, I would be focussing more on trading then buying. Good luck! :slightly_smiling_face: