On 11 June, 2014, a player was on Forza 4 bragging about being able to hack into players’ systems and playing through them. We watched this player crash another player’s car. Upon seeing and hearing this, we suggested he not act such. So, Forza bans the ones who are against such cheating. This is a system issue, which Microsoft has dealt with and banned that player from Xbox permanently. Now, I need Forza to straighten this out with me, and reinstate my profile. I expect this to be done immediately. I hope we can resolve this before any further action is required.

Nothing to straighten out when there is a violation of the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct.

Very clear that you were caught trying to sell a Honda S2000 on the Auction House with BMW rims on it. That is illegal to do, not your justified ban.

Neither bans nor Turn 10’s enforcement of the Code of Conduct are discussed on these forums. You may send an email to Turn 10 at if you wish.

So they don’t get confused by what you’re saying, here’s the specific car you were attempting to sell: