For a very long time I was a Turn 10 fan. Infact two reasons i purchased the xbox one. Halo and the Forza Franchise. I purchased the day one addition of both the console and Forza 5. Let me just say I’ve never been more disappointed in a game than Forza 5. I mean it looks amazing, sounds amazing , and drives wonderfully. But then again don’t all Forza games? But Turn 10 removed features, and tracks. Promised updated content. Gave us 3 car packs, 4 tracks, and then went dark until the release of the new Ford Gt. If your new game is as featureless as 5, and you continue to ignore your community. Just don’t bother wasting our time. You got me once with 5. You won’t do it with 6. Not until you folks at Turn 10 actually remember how to make a racing simulation game!
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There were 8 Car packs (Car pass), 3 booster car packs (Came with addition of new track) and a Honda Legends pack with 3 cars and August content update pack with 6 cars.
All this can be found here:
I think the above clarifies for Promised Updated content, does it not?
That’s because they are hard at work making FM6
Thank you for the feedback.
You can contact them folks at Turn 10 by email at