I want to say Forza Motorsport is currently the racing game with the best graphics

Should I turn my hdr off then? Hate to do that. The colors really look great. And on any game. I just noticed w this recent forza update the screen recording color was weird. Like black shouldn’t look purple.

Yeah I need an explanation on “rainbowy”

If you don’t like the banding 'n such, yeah. Can try lowering the black level on the TV just for the Xbox but this is more of a band aid than anything. The issue remains, it just doesn’t look as bad.

Almost like an anodized look

Would need to see an example really. But if it’s just in the recording, it’s not an issue with the HDR itself.

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Yea only the recording looks wonky everything else is perfect :ok_hand:

That’s just the xbox clip share then. Mine looks the same way. I was jus trying to record how mine looks with it. No dice there. Recording is awful.

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Thanks fellas

Sometimes playing with a different car can change the way you see Forza Motorsport. I mean, there are cars that are really well detailed or fit in really well graphically. But in other cases…

*S15 cough cough.


What aspects of this game’s graphics are so great & “next-gen?”

• Anti-aliasing barely exists - so many jaggies.
• Framerate is capped & it still regularly skips/stutters.
• Motion is blurred, even with the motion blur option off.
• Lighting looks weirdly artificial.
• Some cars are modeled incorrectly & poorly upscaled from generations ago.
• Textures look dull.
• Grass is flat.
• When trees manage to render as more than just blurry green blobs, they often look like they’re from the cell-shaded Borderlands games.
• More than a year after retail launch, the game still looks noticeably worse than what was shown in all of its pre-launch promos.

Yet the game somehow constantly keeps my GPU running hotter than it seems like it should just for graphics that look like this - even when I’m in the main menus (not loaded into an event/track).

I’ve wondered if this game is running some kind of distributed computing architecture that sneakily uses everyone’s GPUs as nodes for training AI and/or mining crypto in the background - because GPUs shouldn’t be working this hard just to render such mediocre graphics.


Minion Laughing GIF - Minion Laughing Popcorn - Discover & Share GIFs cough cough GT7



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How do you like this improvement?


I don’t notice that because I’m busy racing in either 3rd person or 1st person trying to avoid smashing into the car behind me.

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hahahahaha, reading a little most of the comments are right about something, and is that when it is mid afternoon or late evening the game looks great, the sunshine, the colors, the game looks last generation, but in other weather situations seems more FM7, the excessive load of the graphics card in the boxes or in the menu is something strange that should not happen, there are several things to be corrected and hopefully soon take them into account.

And not to mention the sound… something so basic and important in a racing game seems to have been forgotten, all the sounds have more relevance than the sound of the engine itself, the most important and that generates more satisfaction when driving is overshadowed, generic sounds that damage the experience.

I just hope that as it happened with CyberPunk2077 that was launched pretty broken but one day they came with a patch that fixed everything and became one of the best games of its time.


I consider GT7 as a reference in the racing games industry. Lots of details.


I don’t know, the video I’m looking at looks great. Blacks look black, lights looks good, well balanced. Nothing looks washed out, banded, or otherwise funky.

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this game is fully AI development.

Xbox doesnt use full chroma so its hdr is worse than ps5.

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