I want to say Forza Motorsport is currently the racing game with the best graphics

I recently purchased the newly released EVO and have also played GT7. I can confidently say that Forza Motorsport is currently the best-looking racing game, the only one with “next-gen graphics,” at least on PC.

Although the game is not perfect and has some shortcomings, such as the vehicle polygons should be more detailed, and some vehicle models and track layouts are not accurate enough, we cannot simply undermine this game and glorify other games, because other games are not perfect either, and they don’t have the strength to KO Forza Motorsport.


You say so. :man_shrugging:


Imagine comparing Early Acces game (AC EVO) to a console exclusive (GT7) to a PC version of the game that was 6 years in the making and more than a year in Released state.

Let’s see how PC version of Forza compares to PS5 Pro (still a console) version of GT7, just for the giggles.

A picture from your own video. I’m pretty sure that car is supposed to be black.


After 600 hours of playing sessions, I can say that the graphics are inconsistent. That’s all. At times I can really say that it’s the most beautiful racing game title out there, although that may be true, at other times… It seems that there is a significant regression depending on the weather and time. But the reality is, not everything is as we expected.

Two images, see for yourself:

Inconsistency is what we call it.

edit: RT OFF turned off in both images. I have the images with RT ON.


First pic kinda feels better, but the reflections are still weird. Not that I care much about graphics. It’s just objectively not amazing for 2024. Not even close to being a deal breaker for me personally. Sometimes the game does look great, but as you said it’s not consistent. I caught myself just staring at the pavement of the starting grid at Bathurst - it looked just beautiful under the sun.

These are the things that look most unnatural to me:

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Don’t need to stray far to find a better looking title: Forza Horizon 5.


Ehhh not really it still needs major optimization


It looks very washed out, if you want the best from this game, install ReShade and just use 2 filters. The game will look 10X better than this.

these are my vanilla in game screenshots, no edits or whatsoever.

My Settings:


*was washed out

They patched out the goofy looking, washed out, low-gamma-esque look somewhere around the first six months.

I used an Nvidia reshader back then too.

But I’d argue that the given stills look too vibrant and saturated. Granted, it’s all subjective.

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I’d rather it be vibrant than washed out. Easier to do HDR stuff with more vibrant colors


All I know from this thread is that it’s time to upgrade my GPU, or really my whole Covid Rig for that matter. This 2070S and 9700k hold steady at med/high @ 1440p, but it is a FAR cry from these stills…

To be fair, the environmental lighting and shaders are nice. Even the cars can look “pretty” from a general point of fidelity, but the car models are largely all lacking. So many carryover uncanny valley-looking relics that look like tarted-up plastic toys.

It’s not just that the models need more polygons; they need accurate modeling, with revised scans to correct odd proportions and missing details. The materials are clumsy. If they’d updated these cars, it would be extremely hard to argue for another game looking better at this time. The lighting and shaders could have had so much more to work with.

But as it stands, sure, it’s more visually-wowing than most out-of-the-box games, I just wouldn’t crown it the most attractive from the perspective of a car enthusiast.


Run a 2080 here and I agree, the car models are it’s weakest point and theyre taking good steps with improving paint fidelity on a lot of the cars like the 22B and the fact your cars get grimey over time.

I’ve had some generally beautiful photo shots done that outdo even FH5 when it comes “pretty” looks in a video game. I especially love how the trees look in Maple Valley for example as I drive right uphill before doing that squiggle road bit.

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Horizon 2.


Its main problem was the deformed model. And there are still dozens upon dozens of other cars which desperately need the same treatment.

This is due to how Xbox and MS in general handles HDR. It’s wonky to say the least. For example, I have to set fine tune dark areas on my LG G3 about 20 points lower to match what my PS5 Pro looks like. Nearly every game that I have on both consoles are wildly off in terms of black levels when I compare them with black levels set the same.

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Just get an OLED.

HDR is pointless on anything else.


What do you think a LG G3 is?


Then set the black level to 0, and HDR brightness to whatever peak brightness the display is.

If it doesn’t look right, your display is not properly calibrated.

I’m not going through this with you. First, you didn’t know that a LG G3 is an OLED, and then you want to offer advice on how to set it up. No thanks.

All that is already done and my display is calibrated. I paid to have it done. Even after all that, games look better on PS5 Pro. Playstation handles HDR much better than Xbox. That’s the point and I’ll leave it at that. In order to get proper blacks on my series X I have to set fine tune dark areas about 20 pts lower than I do for the PS5 pro ( which is set to 0 ).

Console is calibrated for DTM ( 4000 nits ). Black as low as it can go. Still doesn’t look as good as the PS5 Pro. Take it or leave it. I don’t care.


I don’t know man, I have RTX4080 Super, playing game in 2k, HDR, RTX, RTGI, everything on full. And from my own experience GT7 on normal PS5 looks better, now I also got PS5 Pro and GT7 with Ray Tracing now looks vastly better than FM.

FM depends to much on time of day you get, sometimes it simply looks washed out and bland. And with all of visual glitches, outdated and wrong car models and terrible optimization it simply cannot compete.
I’ll put it this way: GT7 has simulated night sky and FM has flood lights being turned on during daytime…
AC Evo is in Alpha state, and for example car models already look better…
Over 1 year after release FM is still in sad state.