There are a number of C & D Class cars that would be a lot fun to race competitively online with minimal/realistic upgrades/tuning.
Am I the only one who misses the C & D Class lobbies from FH3?
The ability to keep some lower class cars on a purist focused build level, while still being able to use them against others in a competitive capacity other than Rivals, is something I miss a bunch. I always thought those lobbies also provided a bit of a “training ground” so to speak for newish drivers to learn track routes, corner apexes, braking zones, etc.
I like lower class racing, but looking at how Horizon Open is set up, it appears only the “popular” classes and disciplines are available for matchmaking in order to not dilute the playerbase too much.
If you are after some C and D-Class races though, my club (link in profile) runs sessions every Monday evening. Yesterday we played in D, next week it’s C, then B, A etc. until we loop back to D
I miss them too and they were still voted for regularly when I was doing FH2’s online achievements.
Though honestly let’s not pretend it would be amazing in these later games, the 3 wheeled cars + the Scout would just get spammed to oblivion in a lot of lobbies.
I miss D & C too although they are haunted by silly meta vehicles that would destroy any competition (Peels, Reliant).
I also think they wouldn’t attract too many players.
A and S1 are the most popular but since S1 road racing has been ruined by the AE Viper I would appreciate more options.
Only running A and the half-dead B lobbies became dull.
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I once did a d-class race in a unimog against a bunch of streamers and although it was fun I would never do that again lol as it took over 20 mins to complete.
In any case, what you really want is custom online lobbies.
i miss the fh2 and fh3 style lobbies all together.
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The ability to vote on the next class & race type along with mixed lobbies that would have a plyground game mixed into the group or a couple of dirt mixed in with road courses. It kept it interesting.
I mean Custom Lobbies would be nice but that’s not really what I’m after. I’d just like C & D (at least C) included in the mix of online lobbies in Horizon Open.
I suspect most people won’t though which is reflected in the devs decision to exclude it. I’m a huge fan of b-class racing but not many others are. The simple solution is…
B class technically still provides this, but lobbies have become voids of emptiness, both in terms of population and enjoyment.
With no voice game chat like from the old days (FH2, FH3), and with how easy it is to break a car through upgrades it becomes dull after around an hour of play.
The top 1% alone is such a wide cut now… The courses have been raced to death too and the PI creep only tightens things in my opinion.
I would like to see some stock open racing where the thrill of good racing wherever you finish makes it slightly more palatable to basically race for no other satisfying reward.
(…and more courses on the main map!)
Regardless of why they were taken out in later titles it would be nice to have the choice + let us see for ourselves if the participation would be poor, personally I don’t think it would be any worse than some of the ones that are there already.
I know I would definitely play C + D since my biggest issue with Open is the amount of time racing vs waiting around, lower classes would mean a bigger percentage of my time would be spent doing the thing I’m there for.
I had a full convoy in D on Monday. It’s a small sample size (and hosting events via the convoy system is a pain) but you do get good racing out of it.
It’s not all Peel rockets either, those cars have the acceleration but the understeer is crippling for many players.
I just did a D Class Buggies CC Tour last night with a full lobby surprisingly enough. It was a lot of fun.
Yeah as Giles mentioned earlier, maybe just some Open Stock option, mayben under Custom. I also don’t understand why C & D aren’t option there even if they aren’t provided in the main rotation.
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