I just can't seem to compete in online races

I don’t really know what it is but every time I try and play online races everyone seems to be better, faster, and have way better cornering and overall better handling. I was in a 1992 Ford Escort RS Cosworth and a Chevelle was outperforming me around corners. I just can’t brake or handle corners at all, but I beat unbeatable drivatars all the time without little to no issues. I just don’t get it, everytime I try to use a better car I just can’t do any different than fail.

I’ve been playing games in the Forza franchise for 5 or 6 years now, and I’m pretty good against Expert and even Pro AI. But I’m typically outclassed online. It’s a hard game to master. Unless there’s some tricks or techniques the community are withholding, the only other thing you can do is practice.

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The only “trick” is knowing the best cars and tuners. Other than that, it is just practice I’m afraid.

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Kudos2U7431 - Do something for me…
Get into any rivals event and set a time with that Escort. Later come back here and share with us which track you did.
I (and possibly someone else) will take a look where you can improve.
You can also share the tune that you used, so I can check if there is any place to improve it.


I only play against unbeatable AI (only some cross country in Edinburgh on lower as they’re super hard) and can compete with online guys relatively easily but usually it fails for the same reason - I chose the wrong car. For street racing for example, the OP in A class is Chevy Nova 69. It can corner, accelerate and do everything better than any other car.

Couple of quick tips:
#1 always choose a tune from tuner that has 10+ level and the tune has decent rating
#2 use OP car (look what the grandmaster guys are using and use the same)
#3 always prefer the car with better accelleration rather than top speed (braking can be also important in small street circuits)

and yep… know your circuits and where you can push.

out of curiosity - what’s your best time in this month rivals?

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Unbeatable drivatars aren’t a very good barometer for what is fast or not (most of the time)…I can generally beat them with ease yet I am relatively average when up against other people…

What settings do you run? Do you use manual gears? Triggers for accelerate and brake? If you use automatic then that would explain some of it…I use auto all the time but, every now and again, I will use manual…last time I did that on a rivals run, I think I was 3 seconds faster. The Chevelle driver may have been using a wheel or simply that they are a much better driver…I know of quite a few people who would be seconds faster than me using the same controller setup as I do

The suggestions above about Rivals is a good one…it can give a good barometer of where you are at whilst also gaining knowledge of how to improve. There is a thread in this forum called “Rivals Challenge” (just scroll down the first page and you’ll find it)…there are weekly Rivals challenges and a variety of drivers and skill level…worth having a look. I joined a couple of months ago and have improved a fair amount…both through following much faster ghosts as well as the tips and tunes people share in it.

As to that car, personally I have never found that car to be particularly good against drivatars…have never tried it in online but I doubt it would be competitive.

One final thought: What hardware are you running the game on? Console or PC? If PC, what are your specs? How good is your internet? WHat refresh rate (fps) are you running (that’s monitor dependent)? All those can make a difference too when playing online

Scaans’ drag tyres tune of the 92 Escort is fairly good (not Roadster or Punk level but competitive). I doubt the OP is using that though.

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