My Forza Hub on Xbox One and here on the reward site doesnt update when i play Horizon 2. Only Forza 5 does update. I have a lot of achievements. I have no idea what is the problem. Can anyone help me?
Would you be playing on XBOX 360? If so that version ins’t included in the rewards program (no points, no rewards).
Can’t get points on xbox one…please help
None of my stats from Horizon 2 are showing up in the Hub.
Is there something I need to do for this?
So, I have all my perks unlocked, and in the Forza Rewards overview, it says 25 of 25 perks unlocked. However, I only have 200 out of 250 reward points.
Are there going to be more reward points coming, or is this another bug in the rewards program?
Has this happened to anyone else?
I think you’ll find your rewards points aren’t updating. Although my new awards and achievements are being shown in the game and in the details list on the rewards page the rewards points hasn’t budged for the last week or so. Bad timing in that it’s at the end of the month and I’m just shy of bumping up another tier.
yeah i agree, the awards points are lagging several days or weeks behind. mine has moved in a week or so and i have been playing alot of F5 and H2.
my perks awards have been sitting at 25/25 and 250/250 maxed out, so just keeping checking in, they’ll update soon. they always do…
Nope. All perks are available with no expectation that there will be more. As suggested, your Forza Rewards tally is merely lagging behind.
It would seem - judging by other postings within the forum - that the Forza Rewards server is a bit behind. Give it some time and they’ll either catch up or the team will carry out the proper maintenance. There is nothing on your end that you can do about it.
I was 15 for 15 on the bucket list but my score was not adding up. Stayed that way for weeks so i redid a bucket list and it all came out fine after i was done.
Are you on 360 ? If so it is not supported on Horizon 2
He or she is on the Xbox One - I can tell from their achievements.
I’m getting the same problem and I’m on Xbox one.
Same problem here, on Xbox One too.
In game says to enter the Forza Hub and take my car but nothing is there.
And at the ‘‘redeem rewards’’ page at the website i’ve got nothing too.
No, i playing on Xbox One. I dont understand why not this updating. The same problem in Forza Hub.
I have the same issue. It seemed to start either after the last update or after I installed Storm Island. I’ve done loads of things that should have given me points but have been stuck on this score for over a week.
I think it must be way behind. At least a week for me.
Ok so ive been trying to beef up my score and rack up some credits but whenever I check the hub nothing I do in FH2 seems to make a difference on my xbox one.
Does the hub only update the info displayed when it rolls over each month or is it in real time?
It’s not real time. I think it’s daily unless it has changed. Probably 12:00 gmt or 12:00 pacific. Not sure I forget the times.
I’ve downloaded update and storm island and my rewards page has updated it has correct gamer score that changed dec 24th
I’m not sure what the issue is. I suggest giving it a day or two. (Monday)