HRE Wheels from Horizon in FM5

Any chance that there could be an update and we could get all the new HRE wheels that are in Horizon 2 in FM5? It would be cool to have an influx of some new wheels and if they’re already modeled for FH2 maybe it could be a quick and dirty update for FM5 to keep this game moving along till 6 comes out.

Meh, I don’t think so.

Would definitely be cool though.

Keep your hopes up for their appearance in Forza Motorsport 6.

I agree it would be cool to see the new rims from Horizon 2 make their way into Forza 5 as well as some of the new cars like the Jag F-Type. Probably won’t happen though, we’ll have to wait and see what FM6 has to offer.

They’re most likely focusing on Fm6, so you’ll have to wait till then

I can understand the new cars and such, but since they’ve already made the wheels, it seems like it would be simple update and not take away any of their time working on FM6. Just seems like it would be a nice “we havent forgotten about you guys and know FM6 is still a ways off” kind of gesture.

But would still take time to make sure it worked with FM5 and hopefully didn’t break anything. Not to mention the issue of little things like the licensing - and the money that will go with that. While it would be nice don’t expect it to happen.

There is no licensing. HRE Wheels is not charging Forza to use the models. Forza has simply not added new wheels in years because they do not want to. They have access to all the models they could possibly want.