4 - Right click the photo and select Save image and save the photo somewhere your going to be able to find it again
5 - Load up Flickr
6 - Left click the upload button
7 - There are a few options to upload your photo
8 - Just click the big one and select the file from the location you saved it earlier
9 - Ensure the ones you want to upload are highlighted pink then hit the upload button circled
10 - You will then be prompted again, just left click upload
11 - Your photo will now be showing in your photostream, left click the image
12 - To share the image to FMnet you need to left click the share icon circled
13 - Left click BBcode to make sure it is selected, ensure the size is no bigger than 800x470 and then highlight and copy all the text in the third box
14 - Go to the message you want to post the photo in and paste the line of text
15 - All you really need it this part of the code though so you can delete the rest
Seriously though I hope it encourages more to post their photos. Being a member of this forum/community has been a genuine pleasure and is a nice place to spend my time.
Also saves me having to sit through the wife’s rubbish T.V programmes!
While I’m here, I wonder if you can help me please?
Although I have managed to create a signature shot it’s smaller in length (enter pun here) than the others. Try as I might I cant work it out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There’s a faster method I like to use, just type sizes/c in the url after you click the image. This takes you straight to the biggest size allowed on here, 800x470. You can right click and copy image url, than do the normal [img ] [/img ]