How to upload photos onto the forum?

Can somebody help me I don’t know how to upload my Forza Horizon 2 photos onto the forums

Not a expert but I’ll try and help.
If you have shared when in game you should be able to access your gallery on this website.
Click/open the pic you want and then save image to your pc.
You then need to upload to a photo site. A lot of people use Flickr as the shots are high quality. Upload your pics to the Flickr/photo site and from the photostream you can choose the pic you want to share. Once you have opened pic you can now share/ copy to forza forum. On Flickr there’s an arrow icon bottom right of page. Click on this and you can now change size. I use 1600 x 900 as do many others, once you’ve picked size click on the bbcode and copy and paste to your forum.
Others may have a better/easier way but hopefully this gets you started. I’ll keep an eye out for your shots

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