So I found Horizon 2 for dirt cheap at a discount bin last weekend and I got it. Awesome game so far, been enjoying it a lot.
But I’ve been looking around and it seems like people lose their savegames easily on this game for some reason, so I’d like to know if there is any steps I can take to prevent this from happening.
I already know how to properly quit my games from the dashboard but I wonder if there is anything else I can do to ensure I won’t have this problem.
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Very easy way to do so: Just let your console upload the savegame correctly by closing the game in the dashboard (menue -->exit game/app). The upload-speed depends on your internet-connection and the size of your savegame-file. DSL 16.000 and 40mb about 5min upload-time (to get sure).
Interesting, I usually just close the app on the dashboard and turn off the console after it, guess waiting 5 mins will be no harm from now on.
Dont forget: The upload-time depends on how big your savefile is. The savefile of Forza Horizon 2 can go up to over 100mb. In addition screenshots and recorded videos take time too.
It would be a very good idea if microsoft could add a symbol in the dashboard when files are uploaded